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help wanted
help wanted
Scope: Commands
Scope: Commands
Scope: Dependencies
Scope: Dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Scope: Framework
Scope: Framework
Scope: i18n
Scope: i18n
internationalization capabilities or translations
Scope: Notifications
Scope: Notifications
Corresponding to the notifier framework
Scope: Out of Scope
Scope: Out of Scope
Has nothing to do with Genesis
Severity1: Critical
Severity1: Critical
The defect affects critical functionality or critical data.
Severity2: Major
Severity2: Major
The defect affects major functionality or major data, but basic functionality remains intact.
Severity3: Minor
Severity3: Minor
The defect affects minor functionality or non-critical data. It has an easy workaround.
Severity4: Inconvenient
Severity4: Inconvenient
The defect does not affect functionality or critical data. It is merely an inconvenience.
Status: Accepted
Status: Accepted
Has been accepted, but not started
Status: Awaiting Deployment
Status: Awaiting Deployment
Feature/Fix is done, just awaiting deployment
Status: Denied
Status: Denied
Status: Deployed
Status: Deployed
It's deployed!
Status: In Progress
Status: In Progress
Work has Begun
Status: On Hold
Status: On Hold
Accepted, but delayed by something else
Type: Enhancement
Type: Enhancement
Type: Feature Request
Type: Feature Request
Create a new feature or functionality
Type: Maintenance
Type: Maintenance
Type: Question
Type: Question