- About the project
- User features
- Admin features
- Screenshots
- Demo
- Tech-stack
- Status
This project is a full stack application which focuses on e-commerce for fitness and wellfare products. You can buy different products as per your body needs by talking to our instructors live! You can also edit,update and add new users or products as admin(verified) on admin dashboard. So, login now with mobile number and start to be healthy.
- Login and signup
- Chat with us
- Search, sort and filter products
- Add to cart
- Checkout
- Add new users or products
- Update user or products
- Delete user or products
To be updated
deployed link for demo:- https://healthmart-clone.vercel.app/
- React.Js
- Node.Js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Firebase
- Javascript
- Redux
- Redux-persist
- ZegoCloud
- React Bootstrap
- Chakra Ui
- React-multi-carousal
- React-simple-chatbot
This project is yet to be completed.
Thank you for staying with me up to this point. Suggestions and feedbacks are always welcomed.😃