- Viktor Svertoka Team Lead development and design of the section "Customer Reviews"
- Sergiy Yevchihen Scrum Master development and design of the section "Header"
- Volodymyr Zhyvun Web-developer development and design of the section "Hero"
- Dmytro Samus Web-developer development and design of the section "Products"
- Vitalii Bashchenko Web-developer development and design of the section "About"
- Yevhen Batanov Web-developer development and design of the section "Аdvantages"
- Oleksandr Puhovskyi Web-developer development and design of the section "Gallery"
- Vasyl Epov Web-developer development and design of the section "Contacts"
- Yevhenii Lukashov Web-developer development and design of the section "Footer"
- Olha Ilienko Web-developer development and design of a button modal window "Bay now"
- Mariia Ivanova Web-developer development and design of the section's modal window "Products"
Look at
Layout Figma
HTML: tags, attributes, semantics, clean structure, code style.
CSS: selector specificity, pseudo-class, css variables, pseudo-elements, font properties, box model, element geometry, element types, image types, gradient, shadow, raster/vector graphics, svg sprites positioned elements, animations, transitions, forms, link js.
adaptive and responsive layout (markup, graphics)
and few JavaScript