This library provides a functional scala implementation of org.apache.mesos.Scheduler
interface provided by Mesos java API.
The goal of this library is to ease development of mesos schedulers by providing out-of-the-box implementations of common operational requirements of a framework, allowing developers to focus on domain logic implementation of task state transitions.
- Pure functional implementation of mesos scheduler tasks state.
- Scalaz stream to queue all messages sent to the framework (from mesos master or custom user defined messages) to be processed one at a time making it completely thread safe.
- Recurring reconcialiation based on Mesos Reconciliation Algorithm.
- TODO: Re-registration on mesos master failures.
- TODO: High-Availability mode and leader election.
From the current state of the project there is a clear path to implement missing features above by enhancing oncue.mesos.Scheduler.processMessage
The core of this Mesos Scheduler implementation is handled by a scalaz async message queue. When Mesos calls any of the functions provided by the Scheduler
interface, the scheduler creates one or many oncue.mesos.MesosMessage
and enqueues them in the scalaz stream.
sealed trait MesosMessage { def driver: org.apache.mesos.SchedulerDriver }
The main scalaz stream is created inside oncue.mesos.Scheduler
to handle calls from Mesos to the Scheduler interface. Users can provide any number of[scalaz.concurrent.Task, CustomMessage]
when initializing the Scheduler
. These custom streams get merged into the internal scalaz stream. This way the user can trigger any CustomMesssage
to the scheduler which is handled by the same processMessage
function that handles messages from Mesos.
trait CustomMessage extends MesosMessage
Mesos has very good documentation on how to implement the Reconciliation Algorithm, since most frameworks need to perform reconciliation this was the first feature to address in a common Mesos scheduler library.
Reconciliation is triggered by sending a ReconcileMessage
to the stream:
case class ReconcileMessage(override val driver: SchedulerDriver) extends CustomMessage
companion object provides a convenient function to initialize a timed reconciliation stream:
def reconcileProcess(driver: SchedulerDriver, reconcileInterval: FiniteDuration): Process[Task, ReconcileMessage] = {
time.awakeEvery(reconcileInterval)(defaultExecutor, timeOutScheduler)
.map(_ => ReconcileMessage(driver))
The user can create a reconcile process by calling the function above and passing it to the scheduler init
function, this will trigger reconcialiation every reconcileInterval
and all offers will be declined until reconciliation is over.
val reconciliationInterval = 1 hour
val customStreams = Seq( Scheduler.reconcileProcess(driver, reconciliationInterval) )
scheduler.init(state, driver, customStreams).run
TODO: The wait time to reconcile all tasks is currently fixed, Mesos recommends to use truncated exponential back off to "avoid a snowball effect in the case of the driver or master being backed up".
A full implementation of Mesos Scheduler would be required to implement oncue.mesos.SchedulerState
and oncue.mesos.SchedulerStateManager
traits and run the scheduler like this:
// implement state and state manager
case class MyState( ... ) extends SchedulerState
class MyStateManager extends SchedulerState[MyState] { ... }
// initialize state and state manager
val initialState = MyState( ... )
val stateManager = new MyStateManager( ... )
// define framework info
val frameworkInfo = Protos.FrameworkInfo.newBuilder
.setOtherFrameworkattributes( ... )
// initialize scheduler and mesos driver
val scheduler = new oncue.mesos.Scheduler(stateManager)
val driver = new org.apache.mesos.MesosSchedulerDriver(scheduler, frameworkInfo, mesosMaster)
// shutdown scheduler on exit
sys addShutdownHook {
// Seq[Process[Task,CustomMessage]] pass custom state mutation messages
// Scheduler.reconcileProcess triggers reconciliation every "reconciliationInterval"
val reconciliationInterval = 1 hour
val customStreams = Seq(Scheduler.reconcileProcess(driver, reconciliationInterval))
// run scheduler (blocking)
scheduler.init(initialState, driver, customStreams).run
The provided example implementation creates a scheduler that triggers the provided task on every slave in the cluster. This example also uses http4s to set up REST endpoints to query current scheduler state by sending custom messages to the queue. User can query scheduler info and add or remove slaves from a blacklist.
Running example module on a local mesos cluster with 2 slaves using docker-machine on mac (see
Run ZK:
docker run -d --net=host netflixoss/exhibitor:1.5.2
Run master:
docker run -d --net=host \ -e LIBPROCESS_IP=$(docker-machine ip) \ -e HOSTNAME=$(docker-machine ip) \ -e MESOS_PORT=5050 \ -e MESOS_ZK=zk:// \ -e MESOS_QUORUM=1 \ -e MESOS_REGISTRY=in_memory \ -e MESOS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/mesos \ -e MESOS_WORK_DIR=/var/tmp/mesos \ -v "$(pwd)/log/mesos:/var/log/mesos" \ -v "$(pwd)/tmp/mesos:/var/tmp/mesos" \ mesosphere/mesos-master:0.25.0-0.2.70.ubuntu1404
Run slaves, notice
and mount points change for/var/log/mesos
:docker run -d --net=host --privileged \ -e LIBPROCESS_IP=$(docker-machine ip) \ -e HOSTNAME=$(docker-machine ip) \ -e MESOS_PORT=5051 \ -e MESOS_MASTER=zk:// \ -e MESOS_SWITCH_USER=0 \ -e MESOS_CONTAINERIZERS=docker,mesos \ -e MESOS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/mesos \ -e MESOS_WORK_DIR=/var/tmp/mesos \ -v "$(pwd)/log/mesos1:/var/log/mesos" \ -v "$(pwd)/tmp/mesos1:/var/tmp/mesos" \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /cgroup:/cgroup \ -v /sys:/sys \ -v /usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/local/bin/docker \ mesosphere/mesos-slave:0.25.0-0.2.70.ubuntu1404 docker run -d --net=host --privileged \ -e LIBPROCESS_IP=$(docker-machine ip) \ -e HOSTNAME=$(docker-machine ip) \ -e MESOS_PORT=5052 \ -e MESOS_MASTER=zk:// \ -e MESOS_SWITCH_USER=0 \ -e MESOS_CONTAINERIZERS=docker,mesos \ -e MESOS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/mesos \ -e MESOS_WORK_DIR=/var/tmp/mesos \ -v "$(pwd)/log/mesos2:/var/log/mesos" \ -v "$(pwd)/tmp/mesos2:/var/tmp/mesos" \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /cgroup:/cgroup \ -v /sys:/sys \ -v /usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/local/bin/docker \ mesosphere/mesos-slave:0.25.0-0.2.70.ubuntu1404
Build scheduler assembly jar
sbt "project example" assembly
Build scheduler container from example/Dockerfile:
docker build -t mysched example/
Run scheduler container interactively:
docker run --rm --net=host -it \ -e LIBPROCESS_IP=$(docker-machine ip) \ -v $(pwd)/example/target/scala-2.10:/opt/app \ mysched