The official implementation of ICLR 2023 paper Learning to Grow Pretrained Models for Efficient Transformer Training.
Peihao Wang1, Rameswar Panda2, Lucas Torroba Hennigen4, Philip Greengard3, Leonid Karlinsky2, Rogerio Feris2, David Cox2, Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang1, Yoon Kim4
1University of Texas at Austin, 2MIT-IBM Watson Lab, 3Columbia University, 4MIT
To run our code, the following libraries which are required:
# For GLUE evaluation
# Fiass supports fast indexing.
# The code has a torch-implemented GPU indexing, so do not worry if you could not install faiss.
# Spacy is used in sentence segmentation where the sentences are the input the cross-modality matching model.
# A higher h5py version to support h5py.VirtualLayout
We re-use the data preparation pipeline provided by Vokenization.
1. Download and Pre-Process Pure-Language Data
We provide scripts to get the English-Wikipeida dataset.
The script to download and process wiki data are modified from XLM. Note that the data processing pipelines for BERT and RoBERTa are different as they use different tokenizers.
To get data for training BERT, use the following command:
bash data/wiki/get_data_cased.bash en
For RoBERTa, it requires an untokenized version of English Wikipedia, so please use the following command:
bash data/wiki/get_data_cased_untokenized.bash en
2. Tokenize Language Data
We next tokenize the language corpus. It would locally save three files: <dataset_name>.<tokenizer_name>
, <dataset_name>.<tokenizer_name>.hdf5
, and <dataset_name>.<tokenizer_name>.line
Use the following commands accordingly to tokenize the dataset:
# For BERT
bash tokenization/tokenize_wiki_bert.bash
# For RoBERTa
bash tokenization/tokenize_wiki_roberta.bash
Please use the following commands to pretrain BERT or RoBERTa:
(6L, 512H) BERT
python --config configs/bert_wiki.txt --config_name configs/bert-6L-512H.json --output_dir <output_path> --max_steps 400000 --warmup_steps 10000 --should_continue
(12L, 768H) BERT
python --config configs/bert_wiki.txt --config_name configs/bert-12L-768H.json --output_dir <output_path> --max_steps 400000 --warmup_steps 10000 --should_continue
First train a LiGO operator using the following command:
python --config configs/bert_wiki.txt --config_name configs/bert-12L-768H.json --output_dir <path_to_save_LiGO> --tune_width --tune_depth --source_model_path <path_to_small_model> --fuse_init_scheme stackbert_noisy rand --max_steps 100 --logging_steps 100 --ckpt_steps 100 --should_continue
Then use pre-trained LiGO operator to grow the model:
python --config configs/bert_wiki.txt --config_name configs/bert-12L-768H.json --output_dir <output_path> --grow_scheme ligo --source_model_path <path_to_small_model> --pretrained_ligo_path <path_to_save_LiGO> --fuse_init_scheme stackbert_noisy rand --learning_rate 2e-4 --warmup_steps 0 --should_continue
(6L, 512H) RoBERTa
python --config configs/roberta_wiki.txt --config_name configs/roberta-6L-512H.json --per_gpu_train_batch_size 64 --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 --learning_rate 2e-4 --output_dir <output_path> --should_continue
(12L, 512H) RoBERTa
python --config configs/roberta_wiki.txt --config_name configs/roberta-12L-768H.json --per_gpu_train_batch_size 64 --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 --learning_rate 2e-4 --output_dir <output_path> --should_continue
Note that the argument --gradient_accumulation_steps 4
is necessary to gaurantee the batch size of RoBERTa is 4 times of BERT. One can use 4 times number of GPUs to achieve the same batch size.
# Train LiGO
python --config configs/roberta_wiki.txt --config_name configs/roberta-12L-768H.json --per_gpu_train_batch_size 64 --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 --learning_rate 2e-4 --output_dir <path_to_save_LiGO> --tune_width --tune_depth --source_model_path <path_to_small_model> --fuse_init_scheme stackbert_noisy rand --max_steps 100 --logging_steps 100 --ckpt_steps 100 --should_continue
# Apply pre-trained LiGO operator to grow the model
python vlm/ --config configs/roberta_wiki.txt --config_name configs/roberta-12L-768H.json --per_gpu_train_batch_size 64 --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 --output_dir <output_dir> --grow_scheme ligo --source_model_path <path_to_small_model> --pretrained_ligo_path <path_to_save_LiGO> --fuse_init_scheme stackbert_noisy rand --learning_rate 2e-4 --warmup_steps 10000 --should_continue
This repository is based on the project Vokenization. If you find this work or our work helpful for your own research, please cite our paper.
title={Learning to grow pretrained models for efficient transformer training},
author={Wang, Peihao and Panda, Rameswar and Hennigen, Lucas Torroba and Greengard, Philip and Karlinsky, Leonid and Feris, Rogerio and Cox, David Daniel and Wang, Zhangyang and Kim, Yoon},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},