This Terraform project creates a Continuous Integration/Delivery environment, including VPC, network, Jenkins master and workers, and a VPN to grant developers access to the environment
*** This project relies on a state bucket and alm-durable pre-existing. ***
terraform init --backend-config=../backends/sandbox-alm.conf
terraform apply -var-file=variables/sandbox.tfvars
We didn't feel it was wise to allow the CI environment to modify itself, so updates to the ALM must be manually applied.
terraform init --backend-config=../backends/alm.conf
terraform apply -var-file=variables/alm.tfvars
The Jenkins docker container uses a non-terminating task, this task will not automatically be updated to use the new image. This can be solved by forcing a deployment
aws ecs update-service --cluster delivery-pipeline-alm-alm_jenkins_cluster --service jenkins_master --region us-east-2 --force-new-deployment
To verify, check the tasks tab for the ECS cluster