An immediate window we can all believe in!
Original Author and Supreme Lord Of Absoluteness Without Hesitation And Second Guessing: Mathieu Rivest
- Quick Inspector
- Assembly
- Responsive UI (not fixed console size)
- Assembly references (Using namespace)
+ To make typing quicker
* Show a list of last "usings" (assembly list with a 'using' checkbox)
- Object Inspector
+ To show and inspect values
* Add pagination for all (...)
* Editing
* Allow inline edit of values (eg: click on string and change it right there)
- Save Settings
+ Better experience
* Save List of 'using'
* Save typing history up to xxx
- Multiline
+ Refine a method
* Show line numbers for easier debugging
- Typing history
+ Better experience
* History list
* with click to paste, and double-click to call
- Autocomplete
+ Better experience
- Codebase Heat Map
+ Easier and intuitive code exploration
- QA
* Freeze-proof (while(true) {} shouldn't freeze unity/computer)
Useful code snippets for testing
#r "/Users/mathieur/organizations/unity/projects/hackweek/immediate/projects/ImmediateWindow/Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.ImmediateWindow.Editor.dll"
using UnityEditor.ImmediateWindow.UI; TestClass.Test("asdsa")
public class A {public int X {get;set;} public string Y {get {return "yes";}}}; new A()
-- Multiline Output --
class A
public int X = 12;
public string Name = "Mat";
var x = new A();
-- Using Namespace --
GameObject.Find("Main Camera")