Scripts for the paper "An outstanding bacterial membranome requires CRISPR-Cas systems to avoid the intervention of phages"
DOI (BioRxiv):
In this project we have searched for genes associated with CRISPR-Cas systems from bacteria of the ESKAPE group using Random Forest and we have been able to reduce the percentage of CRISPR black matter, as well as to propose a triad 'Membrane Proteins - Phages - CRISPR' by which bacterial genomes would acquire CRISPR-Cas systems when they have certain useful membrane proteins that can act as viral receptors.
Package versions: matplotlib 3.5.0 numpy 1.19.2 pandas 1.3.5 scikit-learn 1.0.2 scipy 1.6.2 seaborn 0.11.2
The script utilizes scikit-learns mean decrease in impurity feature importance measre to infer genes that set crispr containing strains apart from those without crispr systems. Cas-genes have been removed in the data, to allow to detect non Crispr-Cas related genes.
This script computes the Jaccard dissimilarity between the MLST groups which is used as distance measurement for a hierarchical clustering and dendrograms available in the papers supplementary data.
This script uses the Jaccard indices of the script, so the latter needs to be run beforehand. It plots the correlation plot featured in the paper.
Create an output to add to the metadata table, from a file with 2 columns: metadata ID.
Creates an output with several columns to add to the metadata table, from a list of files, each with a list of IDs.
Calculate proportions of genomes with unique spacer/phages in two different clusters.
Calculate both absolute and relative frequency of pangenome genes in two clusters of genomes.
Collect all the information of the different strains and groups them in a final table
Count genes and average number of shared genes for each genome in the pangenome.
Create matrix for heatmaps comparing genes vs genomes.
Create gene presence/absence matrix.
Identify false positives by comparing spacers and direct repeats
Extract spacers with evidence code 4 from CRISPRCasFinder results.
Filter Blast hits with a given identity and subject coverage.
Filter the results obtained from the comparison of spacers with different databases
Find cas gene cluster from ccfinder results
Count appearances of each gene in the pangenome.
Prepare contigs from each genome as a string of gene names.
Compare a list of spacers against a phages database.
Modify gene names assigned by Sma3s to avoid redundant names.
Check assembly files and remove those from GenBank when RefSeq is available.