Moderate release:
Used nf-tools to create new nextflow_schema.json
- the devs still can't test it, so submit an issue if it isn't working
Updated processes
- freyja to 1.5.2-12_08_2024-01-33-2024-12-09
- updated samtools/bcftools to 1.21
- updated bwa to 0.7.18
- updated bbtools to 39.10
- updated iqtree2 to 2.3.6
- updated mafft to 7.526
In the backend:
- renamed all processes to uppercaps
- separated CECRET into the workflow directory
- created INITIALIZE subworkflow
- updated tests
- created modules config files
No longer working (will be returned soon):
- using user supplied zipped nextclade datasets
- using nextclade for multiple sequence alignment
- getting a copy of the config file with --config_files