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Uvoz verzije 30. sep. 2016
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tomazc committed Mar 25, 2019
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Showing 33 changed files with 1,155 additions and 0 deletions.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions bibliography.bib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
author = {Lowe, David G.},
title = {Object Recognition from Local Scale-Invariant Features},
booktitle = {IEEE Computer Society Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
year = {1999},
pages = {1150-1157},
acmid = {851523},
isbn = {0-7695-0164-8}
author = {L. Fortnow},
title = {Viewpoint: Time for computer science to grow up},
booktitle = {Communications of the ACM no. 52},
year = {2009},
pages = {33-35},
author = {D. E. Knuth, P. Bendix},
title = {Simple word problems in universal algebras},
booktitle = {Computational Problems in Abstract Algebra (ur. J. Leech)},
year = {1970},
pages = {263--297},
author = {L. Lamport},
title = {LaTEX: A Document Preparation System},
booktitle = {Addison-Wesley},
year = {1986},
title = {Using BibTeX},
url = {}
title = {licence-cc.pdf},
url = {}
Binary file added cc-licenca/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added cc-licenca/cc-licenca.pdf
Binary file not shown.
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions cc-licenca/cc-licenca.tex
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\oddsidemargin 1.4cm
\evensidemargin 0.35cm
\textwidth 14cm
\topmargin 0.26cm
\headheight 0.6cm
\headsep 1.5cm
\textheight 20cm




{\small \noindent
To delo je ponujeno pod licenco \textit{Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji 2.5 Slovenija} (ali novej\v so razli\v cico).
To pomeni, da se tako besedilo, slike, grafi in druge sestavine dela kot tudi rezultati diplomskega dela lahko prosto distribuirajo,
reproducirajo, uporabljajo, priobčujejo javnosti in predelujejo, pod pogojem, da se jasno in vidno navede avtorja in naslov tega
dela in da se v primeru spremembe, preoblikovanja ali uporabe tega dela v svojem delu, lahko distribuira predelava le pod
licenco, ki je enaka tej.
Podrobnosti licence so dostopne na spletni strani \href{}{} ali na Inštitutu za
intelektualno lastnino, Streliška 1, 1000 Ljubljana.

\begin{center}% 0.66 / 0.89 = 0.741573033707865

{\small \noindent
Izvorna koda diplomskega dela, njeni rezultati in v ta namen razvita programska oprema je ponujena pod licenco GNU General Public License,
različica 3 (ali novejša). To pomeni, da se lahko prosto distribuira in/ali predeluje pod njenimi pogoji.
Podrobnosti licence so dostopne na spletni strani \url{}.

\ \\ \vfill
Besedilo je oblikovano z urejevalnikom besedil \LaTeX.}

Binary file added cc-licenca/cc_by_30.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added cc-licenca/cc_cc_30.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added cc-licenca/cc_sa_30.pdf
Binary file not shown.
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions declaration.tex
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% datoteka izjava.tex
% vzorčna datoteka za pisanje magistrskega dela v formatu LaTeX
% na UL Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko
% pripravili: Zoran Bosnić, Andrej Čopar, po predlogi Gašperja Fijavža
% popravil: Matej Kristan
% verzija 29. februar 2016 (izjava o avtorstvu)

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{book}

\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} % omogoča uporabo slovenskih črk kodiranih v formatu UTF-8
\usepackage[slovene,english]{babel} % naloži, med drugim, slovenske delilne vzorce
\usepackage{amssymb} % dodatni simboli
\usepackage{amsmath} % eqref, npr.

\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.3} % ustrezen razmik med vrsticami

\newcommand{\BibTeX}{{\sc Bib}\TeX}


% izjava o avtorstvu slo
% zakomentirati v angleških diplomah
%{\Large\textbf{\sc Izjava o avtorstvu zaključnega dela}}
%\noindent Spodaj podpisani Matjaž Kralj, vpisna številka 12345678, avtor zaključnega dela z naslovom:
%\noindent\emph{...Vstavite naslov dela v slovenščini...}\hspace{5mm}(angl. \emph{English title})
%\item da sem pisno zaključno delo študija izdelal samostojno pod mentorstvom doc.\ dr.\ Petra Klepca in somentorstvom izr.\ prof.\ dr.\ Martina Krpana;
%\item da je tiskana oblika pisnega zaključnega dela študija istovetna elektronski obliki pisnega zaključnega dela študija;
%\item da sem pridobil/-a vsa potrebna dovoljenja za uporabo podatkov in avtorskih del v pisnem zaključnem delu študija in jih v pisnem zaključnem delu študija jasno označil/-a;
%\item da sem pri pripravi pisnega zaključnega dela študija ravnal/-a v skladu z etičnimi načeli in, kjer je to potrebno, za raziskavo pridobil/-a soglasje etične komisije;
%\item soglašam, da se elektronska oblika pisnega zaključnega dela študija uporabi za preverjanje podobnosti vsebine z drugimi deli s programsko opremo za preverjanje podobnosti vsebine, ki je povezana s študijskim informacijskim sistemom članice;
%\item da na UL neodplačno, neizključno, prostorsko in časovno neomejeno prenašam pravico shranitve avtorskega dela v elektronski obliki, pravico reproduciranja ter pravico dajanja pisnega zaključnega dela študija na voljo javnosti na svetovnem spletu preko Repozitorija UL;
%\item dovoljujem objavo svojih osebnih podatkov, ki so navedeni v pisnem zaključnem delu študija in tej izjavi, skupaj z objavo pisnega zaključnega dela študija.
%\noindent V Ljubljani, dne 26. februarja 2016 \hfill Podpis študenta/-ke:

% prazna stran

% authorship statement (english)
%% uncomment for english theses only
\vspace*{-12mm} % sicer pobegne na drugo stran
{\Large\textbf{\sc Declaration of Authorship of Final Work}}
\noindent I, the undersigned student Matjaž Kralj, registration number 12345678, the author of the final work of studies:

\noindent\emph{English title}\hspace{5mm}(slov. \emph{Vzorec magistrskega dela})

\item The written final work of studies is a result of my independent work mentored by doc.\ dr.\ Peter Klepec and co-mentored by izr.\ prof.\ dr.\ Martin Krpan.
\item The printed form of the written final work of studies is identical to the electronic form of the written final work of studies.
\item I have acquired all the necessary permissions for the use of data and copyrighted works in the written final work of studies and have clearly marked them in the written final work of studies.
\item I have acted in accordance with ethical principles during the preparation of the written final work of studies and have, where necessary, obtained agreement of the ethics commission.
\item I give my consent to use of the electronic form of the written final work of studies for the detection of content similarity with other works, using similarity detection software that is connected with the study information system of the university member.
\item I transfer to the UL --- free of charge, non-exclusively, geographically and time-wise unlimited --- the right of saving the work in the electronic form, the right of reproduction, as well as the right of making the written final work of studies available to the public on the world wide web via the Repository of UL.
\item I give my consent to publication of my personal data that are included in the written final work of studies and in this declaration, together with the publication of the written final work of studies.

\noindent In Ljubljana, February 26{\textsuperscript{th}}, 2016 \hfill Student's signature:

%prazna stran



14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions extended_abstract.tex
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\chapter{Razširjeni povzetek}

To je primer razširjenega povzetka v slovenščini, ki je obvezen za naloge pisane v angleščini. Razširjeni povzetek mora vsebovati vse glavne elemente dela napisanega v angleščini skupaj s kratkim uvodom in povzetkom glavnih elementov metode, glavnih eksperimentalnih rezultatov in glavnih ugotovitev. Razširjeni povzetek naj bo strukturiran v podpoglavja (spodaj je naveden le okvirni primer in je nezavezujoč).
Čez palec navadno razširjeni povzetek nanese okoli 10 odstotkov obsega celotnega dela.

\section{Kratek pregled sorodnih del}

\section{Predlagana metoda}

\section{Eksperimentalna evaluacija}


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Binary file added figures/pic1.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added figures/pic2.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions front_pages/eng/abstract.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
% SLO: angleški povzetek
% ENG: english abstract
\selectlanguage{english} % Preklopi na angleški jezik

\noindent\textbf{Title:} \ttitleEn

This sample document presents an approach to typesetting your BSc thesis using \LaTeX. A proper abstract should contain around 100 words which makes this one way too short. A good abstract contains: (1) a short description of the tackled problem, (2) a short description of your approach to solving the problem, and (3) (the most successful) result or contribution in your thesis.

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions front_pages/eng/acknowledgments.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

{\Large \textbf{\sc Acknowledgments}}

Worth mentioning in the acknowledgment is everyone who contributed to your thesis.

\vspace{0.5cm} \hfill \tauthor, \myyear
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions front_pages/eng/acronyms.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
\chapter*{List of used acronmys}

{\bf acronym} & {\bf meaning} \\ \hline
% after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ...
{\bf CA} & classification accuracy \\
{\bf DBMS} & database management system \\
{\bf SVM} & support vector machine \\
... & ... \\
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions front_pages/eng/copyright.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
{\sc Copyright}. The results of this master's thesis are the intellectual property of the author and the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana. For the publication or exploitation of the master's thesis results, a written consent of the author, the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, and the supervisor is necessary.}
{\footnotesize{\sc \copyright \myyear\ \tauthor}}
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions front_pages/eng/dedication.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

To all the flowers of this world.\\\\
\textit{''The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.''}
\flushright --- Albert Einstein
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{\Large \textbf{\sc Declaration of Masters Thesis authorship}}

\noindent I, the undersigned \tauthor\ am the author of the Master Thesis entitled:


\noindent With my signature, I declare that:
\item the submitted Thesis is my own unaided work under the supervision of \mysupervisor\ and co-supervision of \mycosupervisor,

\item all electronic forms of the Masters Thesis, title (Slovenian, English), abstract (Slovenian, English) and keywords (Slovenian, English) are identical to the printed form of the Masters Thesis,
\item I agree with the publication of the electronic form of the Masters Thesis in the collection ''Dela FRI''.

\noindent In Ljubljana, 3. April \myyear \hfill Author's signature:
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions front_pages/eng/title_page.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
{\large\sc University of Ljubljana\\Faculty of Computer and Information Science}
\vskip 10em
{\authorfont \tauthor \par}
{\titlefont \ttitleEn \par}
{\vskip 2em \textsc{MASTER'S THESIS\\[2mm]
{\large \textsc{Supervisor}: \mysupervisor \par}
{\large \textsc{Co-supervisor}: \mycosupervisor \par}
{\vskip 2em \large Ljubljana, \myyear \par}
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions front_pages/slo/avtorske_pravice.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
{\sc Avtorske pravice}. Rezultati magistrskega dela so intelektualna lastnina avtorja in Fakultete za ra\-ču\-nal\-niš\-tvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani. Za objavljanje ali izkoriščanje rezultatov ma\-gi\-str\-ske\-ga dela je potrebno pisno soglasje avtorja, Fakultete za ra\-ču\-nal\-niš\-tvo in informatiko ter mentorja\footnote{V dogovorju z mentorjem lahko kandidat magistrsko delo s pripadajočo izvorno kodo izda tudi pod drugo licenco, ki ponuja določen del pravic vsem: npr. Creative Commons, GNU GPL. V tem primeru na to mesto vstavite opis licence, na primer tekst~\cite{licence}.}.}
{\footnotesize{\sc \copyright \myyear\ \tauthor}}
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions front_pages/slo/kratice.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
\chapter*{Seznam uporabljenih kratic}

{\bf kratica} & {\bf angleško} & {\bf slovensko} \\ \hline
% after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ...
{\bf CA} & classification accuracy & klasifikacijska točnost \\
{\bf DBMS} & database management system & sistem za upravljanje podatkovnih baz \\
{\bf SVM} & support vector machine & metoda podpornih vektorjev \\
... & ... & ... \\
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions front_pages/slo/legacy_se_ne_uprablja_vec/izjava_o_avtorstvu.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{\Large \textbf{\sc Izjava o avtorstvu magistrskega dela}}

\noindent Spodaj podpisani \tauthor\ sem avtor magistrskega dela z naslovom:


\noindent S svojim podpisom zagotavljam, da:
\item sem magistrsko delo izdelal samostojno pod mentorstvom \mysupervisor\ in somentorstvom \mycosupervisor,

\item so elektronska oblika magistrskega dela, naslov (slovenski, angleški), povzetek (slovenski, angleški) ter ključne besede (slovenske, angleške) identični s tiskano obliko magistrskega dela,
\item soglašam z javno objavo elektronske oblike magistrskega dela v zbirki ''Dela FRI''.

\noindent V Ljubljani, 5. marca \myyear \hfill Podpis avtorja:
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions front_pages/slo/naslovnica.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
{\large\sc Univerza v Ljubljani\\Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko}
\vskip 10em
{\authorfont \tauthor \par}
{\titlefont \ttitle \par}
{\vskip 2em \textsc{MAGISTRSKO DELO\\[2mm]
{\large \textsc{Mentor}: \mysupervisor \par}
{\large \textsc{Somentor}: \mycosupervisor \par}
{\vskip 2em \large Ljubljana, \myyear \par}
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions front_pages/slo/posvetilo.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

Vsem rožicam tega sveta.\\\\
\textit{''The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.''}
\flushright --- Albert Einstein

0 comments on commit bfff027

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