TRADES Tool is a model-based threat and risk assessment tool for the design of systems, developed by Israel Aerospace Industries and other contributors. It is based on the TRADES methodology (see [1],[2]).
Check the releases section for the most up-to-date version of TRADES Tool as a stand-alone modeling workbench.
Documentation is available at the respective folder.
[1] Shaked, A. (2023). A model-based methodology to support systems security design and assessment. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 100465.
[2] Shaked, A. and Reich, Y. (2021). Model-based Threat and Risk Assessment for Systems Design. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - ICISSP, ISBN 978-989-758-491-6; ISSN 2184-4356, pages 331-338. DOI: 10.5220/0010187203310338
The project is develop using Java 17. So you need to have a compliant JRE/JDK installed and set up in your eclipse environment.
Download the Eclipse version (at least 2020-06 to ease the installation of other tools).
Install the following components (some might be already be installed) from the main repository (
- Accelo
- Ecore Diagram Editor (SDK)
- EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework SDK
- Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Notation SDK
- Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Runtime SDK
- XText Complete SDK
- Xtend IDE
- Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT)
- Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)
From other update sites:
- Sirius Specifier Environement -
- Target platform DSL -
- EMF Loophole -
- Asciidoctor Editor - Market place
The project is developed using Java 17. So you need to have a compliant JRE/JDK installed and set up in your eclipse environment.
You need an installation of Maven. To avoid any problem we recommend a version >= 4.0.4 and that the java version used by Maven to be 17 or above.
Before importing the projects in an Eclipse workspace follow the instruction from /dsm.oscal.ext/readme.adoc. Some of the required libraries are not yet available in Maven central and need to be built locally.
Then, run mvn clean compile in /releng/dsm.TRADES.parent folder. This command will automatically import/download the required dependencies in way that eclipse bundles can use them.
- Set up a Java 17 jre/jdk in eclipse
- Set up eclipse compiler to Java 17
- Import all projects
- Load the target plaform /dsm.TRADES.parent/tp/
At this point all projects should compile.
Create an Eclipse Application run configuration and select the product dsm.TRADES.branding.product
Run mvn clean verify in /releng/dsm.TRADES.parent.