Welcome to Bankist-app, my new JavaScript project: a fictional banking application.
Note: The homepage is not responsive!! Prefer using this on screens with a width of more than 800px for the best experience.
The main goal behind building this part is to work on the UI aspects such as lazy-loading, scroll animations, sliders, etc.
This part of the application is responsive. The main goal behind this part is to work on features like date, timers, updating the page without reloading it, etc.
- Request for a loan which will add an amount to the account
- Transfer amount to another user. The UI on both accounts will be updated
- Close account
- Sort movements
- A fake login-like interface
- Auto logout, where the page logs the user out when there is no activity for 5 minutes straight
- A fake logout-like functionality
Please feel free to use the applications with 4 default users. Please use the full name (case-sensitive) and password to login.
UserName | Password |
John Doe | 1111 |
Alice Smith | 2222 |
Bob Johnson | 3333 |
Emily Davis | 4444 |