The project is based in Python 3 and Django 1.9.5. It will operate on Python 2.7, 3.4, and 3.5.
It consists of an OAuth2 server and a FHIR server that serves specific resources. This application will handle the OAuth 2 handshaking and configuration with CMS Medicare beneficiaries and Registered Developers.
These instructions provide a quick start for developers new to the project. Follow these steps on the command line.
# prepare your repository folder
git clone
cd hhs_oauth_server
# create the virtualenv
mkvirtualenv oauth_server --python=/path/to/python3-binary
# Install any pre-requisites (C headers, etc. This is OS specific)
# Ubuntu example
sudo apt-get install python3-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
# install the requirements
pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
# prepare Django settings
cp hhs_oauth_server/settings/local_sample.txt hhs_oauth_server/settings/
Note that you will need to add valid AWS keys setup to use Simple Email Service (SES) in your If you do not, the email functions will not work. anything defined in overrides items in
#Setup the database
python migrate
python loaddata apps/accounts/fixtures/scopes_and_groups.json
python createsuperuser
Making calls to a back-end FHIR server requires that you set a series of variables before running tests or the server itself.
#Run the development server
python runserver
Note you can find the path to your Python3 binary by typing which python3
To manage requirements we use pip-tools package.
You can install pip-tools
pip install --upgrade pip==8.1.1 # pip-tools needs pip>=6.1 and pip<=8.1.1
pip install pip-tools
To add/update/remove requirements always change the requirements/
file. Then run:
cd requirements/
pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt
This will produce a new requirements.txt
with all pinned dependencies.
This server is designed to act as a front-end to any FHIR Server. In order to use the FHIR functionality there are three steps:
1. Define the settings to access the FHIR Server of your choice and set
them up as environment variables.
2. Go to the Django Admin and Setup the FHIR Resources you want to
publish in the Server app in the table Supported Resource Types. For each
resource determine which access modes you want to support.
3. Go to the BlueButton section in the Admin and add the Resource Type
Control records to match each FHIR Resource Type entered in step 2. The
Resource Type Control determines how the API is adapted to prevent user
access. An example is the "Search Add" field. Enter "Patient=%PATIENT%"
here to force the Patient ID to be added to every search.
Login as an administrator and using Django Admin enter the FHIR Resources that you want to make available through this platform. eg. Patient.
For each record you can specify the FHIR transactions you want to enable. eg. search, read, vread, _history
NOTE: Capitalization is important when referencing FHIR resources.
Login as administrator and using Django Admin enter the Resource Type Controls you want to apply. These records should match the Resources you created in step 2. eg. Patient.
The Control record defines the overrides that are made for a standard FHIR transaction. For example:
- To always change the ID in the URL to the User's own ID set the "override url id" flag.
- To prevent search from exposing another person's data set the "override search' flag.
- In the "search block" field enter the parameters to remove.
- in the "search add" field enter "Patient=%PATIENT%" to always apply a filter using the user's Patient ID.
NOTE: Capitalization is important when referencing FHIR resources.
This project creates a default setup that will run locally after a standard setup for a Python application. ie:
- git clone
- pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
- python makemigrations
- python migrate
- python createsuperuser
- python runserver
Configuration settings are defined in:
- hhs_oauth_server.settings.base.
Installation specific configurations can be defined in other settings files stored in hhs_oauth_server.settings.
Sensitive values, such as the SECRET_KEY should NOT be stored in files that are stored in to the repository. This project has created a structure that enables sensitive values to be defined via Environment Variables. The convention we have used is as follows:
- A file "" is defined in the parent directory. ie. Where
the project is git cloned from.
- is a python file that will set an environment variable
if it has not already been defined.
- If the custom-envvars file exists it is called from and
- the settings will then define various settings using an
environment variable, or a default if a variable is not found.
An example of a file is shown below:
import os
def no_overwrite(env_var, env_val):
""" Do not overwrite ENV VAR if it exists """
check_for = os.environ.get(env_var)
if check_for:
# print("%s already set" % env_var)
# Not set
os.environ.setdefault(env_var, env_val)
# print("%s set to %s" % (env_var, env_val))
no_overwrite('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'hhs_oauth_server.settings.base')
no_overwrite('DJANGO_APP_ADMINS', "('Mark A Scrimshire', '[email protected]')")
no_overwrite('HOSTNAME_URL', '')
# PostgreSQL
# SQLite
# sqlite:///PATH
DEFAULT_DB_SET += "db.sqlite3"
# Using dj_database_url in settings
# Uncomment the next line if you want to prove that this file is being run as part of
# print("Variables set for server:%s" % os.environ.get('HOSTNAME_URL'))