docs: add javadocs #180
docs: add javadocs #180
Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Mar 13, 2024 in 2m 0s
Build Failed
The build failed. This is a change from the previous build, which passed.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #180 docs: add javadocs.
Any changes that have been made to the master branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build only has a single job.
You can use jobs to test against multiple versions of your runtime or dependencies, or to speed up your build.
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Java |
Operating System | Linux (Trusty) |
JDK Version | oraclejdk8 |
Build Configuration
"language": "java",
"os": [
"dist": "trusty",
"jdk": [
"sudo": true,
"addons": {
"sonarcloud": {
"organization": "transbankdevelopers",
"token": "secure:\"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\""
"install": [
"mvn --settings .travis/settings.xml clean compile"
"before_install": [
"if [ ! -z \"$GPG_SECRET_KEYS\" ]; then echo $GPG_SECRET_KEYS | base64 --decode | $GPG_EXECUTABLE --import; fi",
"if [ ! -z \"$GPG_OWNERTRUST\" ]; then echo $GPG_OWNERTRUST | base64 --decode | $GPG_EXECUTABLE --import-ownertrust; fi"
"script": [
"mvn --settings .travis/settings.xml clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent package org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:report"
"deploy": [
"provider": "script",
"script": "bash .travis/",
"skip_cleanup": true,
"on": {
"all_branches": true,
"jdk": "oraclejdk8"