OpenFOAM transient solver for laminar or turbulent fluid flow and solid heat conduction with conjugate heat transfer between solid and fluid regions, plus combustion with chemical reactions (psi thermo model)
- OpenFOAM-v1706 solver also compiles with OpenFOAM-v1712
- OpenFOAM-v1812 solver also compiles with OpenFOAM-v1906, v1912, v2006, v2012, v2106, v2112
- OpenFOAM-v2206 solver also compiles with v2212 and v2306
- OpenFOAM-v2312 solver also compiles with OpenFOAM-v2406
- Releases for OpenFOAM-4 and OpenFOAM-5 includes transient and steady state solvers (multiRegionReactingFoam and multiRegionSimpleReactingFoam). The steady state solvers are not included in releases for later versions of OpenFOAM.
- Unsteady state solver benchmarked against DETCHEM, FLUENT and reactingFoam.
- The main difference with chtMultiRegionReactingFoam is the form of PEqn.H. PEqn in chtMultiRegionReactingFoam is based on PEqn from chtMultiRegionFoam, while PEqn in multiRegionReactingFoam is based on reactingFoam. One may find multiRegionReactingFoam to be better than chtMultiRegionReactingFoam for some situations, especially where there are large pressure changes during the simulation.
- LTS is based on a one fluid region (region 0). Therefore, if there are multiple fluid regions, LTS time steps will be chosen based on the characteristic times of the fluid assigned to region 0. Therefore, in a multiple fluid region application where LTS will be used, one may wish to assign the most "time step sensitive" fluid region to fluid region 0 (e.g., by placing the name of this more sensitive fluid region first in under "fluid" in constant/regionProperties.
- The OpenFOAM-6 solver does not include a steady state solver (similar to the chtMultiRegionFoam solver in OpenFOAM-6).
- The OpenFOAM-8 branch also includes chtMultiRegionFoamLTS, which is chtMultiRegionFoam for OpenFOAM-8 with the ability to use LTS (see the LTS notes above, since LTS is based on one fluid region - region0.
- The OpenFOAM-dev branch was last compiled with OpenFOAM-dev commit 78977d3, 2-Jul-21
- OpenFOAM-11 renders
obsolete since the modular approach allows choice of multiregion conjugate heat transfer + pimpleFoam's pEqn + chemistry. Foundation OpenFOAM support formultiregionReactingFoam
ends with OpenFOAM 10.