This is a fork of Timo Röhlings postsrsd
This version should compile on Mac OS X. Tested only with Version 10.9.5
For your convenience I've added the binary 'postsrsd'
Copy postsrsd
to /usr/local/sbin/postsrsd
Generate a secret by
sudo uuidgen > /etc/postsrsd.secret
or write the secret of your chouice to /etc/postsrsd.secret then
chmod 600 /etc/postsrsd.secret
Modify /Library/Server/Mail/Config/postfix/
as described at roehling/postsrsd and add
sender_canonical_maps = tcp:
sender_canonical_classes = envelope_sender
recipient_canonical_maps = tcp:
recipient_canonical_classes= envelope_recipient
Start postsrsd
/usr/local/sbin/postsrsd -s /etc/postsrsd.secret -d -f 10001 -4 -X
you should generate a LaunchDaemon for this command