I used this repository while reading the book Test-Driven Development with Python, 2nd Edition, by Harry J.W. Percival.
If you need help with Django take a look at the Django Girls tutorial or the official v1.11 tutorial. Please note: This is an old unsafe version!
Install geckodriver.exe in Python36-32\Scripts directory.
Create python virtualenv in directory python-tdd-book:
pip install virtualenv
py -3.6 -m venv virtualenv
# To activate virtualenv:
# To deactivate virtualenv:
Install geckodriver in /usr/local/bin.
Create python virtualenv in directory python-tdd-book:
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
python3.6 -m venv virtualenv
# To activate virtualenv:
source virtualenv/bin/activate
#To deactivate virtualenv:
Install Django and Selenium in virtualenv:
pip install "django<1.12" "selenium<4"
In case of problems install specific versions used in book:
pip install django==1.11.3
pip install selenium==3.9.0
Create a Django project called superlists (note the "." at the end):
# On windows:
python virtualenv\Scripts\django-admin.py startproject superlists .
# On Linux:
django-admin.py startproject superlists .
To run Django’s development server:
python manage.py runserver
Update 2022:
Import error when using Python 3.10.2:
ImportError: cannot import name 'Iterator' from 'collections' (/usr/lib/python3.10/collections/init.py)
Workaround is to use an older version like Python 3.6:
- Install python3.6
- Install virtualenv which allows to specify a specific python version in your virtual environment:
pip install virtualenv
- Create virtual environment with Python 3.6:
virtualenv virtualenv -p python3.6
Start an App called "lists":
python manage.py startapp lists
Don't forget to register the lists App in superlists/settings.py:
Unit tests are defined in tests.py in your list App directory.
Unit tests are a subclass of Django class TestCase:
from django.test import TestCase
class MyTest(TestCase):
def test_good_maths(self):
self.assertEqual(1 + 1, 2)
To run all unit tests invoke Django test runner:
python manage.py test
To only run the unit tests of your App, in this case list, add the App name:
python manage.py test lists
Functional tests are defined in file tests.py in App directory functional_tests. Functional tests are a subclass of Django class LiveServerTestCase:
from django.test import LiveServerTestCase
class MyFunctionalTest(LiveServerTestCase):
def setUp(self):
To only run functional tests:
python manage.py test functional_tests
When you change something in the Django model (for example change or add a field), the database tables that store these models need to be changed too. A Django migration propagates these changes in the model into the database schema.
python manage.py makemigrations
Actually create the database after the Django migration.
python manage.py migrate
The default database is SQLite. It is just a file located in your base directory as can be seen in yourDjangoProjectDir/settings.py:
"default": {
"ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3",
"NAME": os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "db.sqlite3"),
You can simply delete and recreate it:
rm db.sqlite3
python manage.py migrate --noinput
├── db.sqlite3
├── functional_tests
│ ├── functional_tests.py <<< Functional tests
│ └── __init__.py
├── geckodriver.log
├── lists <<< Directory of lists App
│ ├── admin.py
│ ├── apps.py
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── migrations <<< Directory containing Django migrations
│ ├── models.py <<< Django models
│ ├── templates <<< HTML template directory
│ ├── tests.py <<< Unittests of lists App
│ └── views.py <<< Django views
├── manage.py <<< Django's management script
├── README.md
├── superlists <<< Django's main project directory
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── settings.py <<< register the lists App
│ ├── urls.py <<< URL patterns mapping URLs to views
│ └── wsgi.py
└── virtualenv
├── bin
├── lib
├── pyvenv.cfg
└── selenium