Quadstar is a project which includes python classes for simulating and training a quadcopter system. Furthermore a basic PID flight controller implementation is provided in the folder ./quadsoft/
for STM32F411 processors including KiCad shematics.
With the help of the functionality a quadcopter prototyp has beeing build, mainly for fun and research purposes. Future work may include the development of fixed wing simulation functionality.
Noumerous controller architectures are known from control theory. For example one can employ model predictive or robust control on a quadcopter plant controlling problem. Consumer grade quadcopters often make use of PID control, mainly due to ease of use and implementation.
I used a quaternion based PID controller for my quadcopters.
The PID controller as well as the flight dynamic model inplementation from quadcopter_simcon have been modified for this reposiory. Big thanks to the creator.
The follwing motors are currently being used on my quadcopter model Axisflying C227 1960KV FPV Motor schwarz and I can recommend them. They even worked fine with a 11.2V (S3) power source while the specification recommends 22.2V (S6). It is probably wise to go with the specification for a build. So did I at least.
Following troubles with other ESCs I found out about the B-G431B-ESC1. I can recommend it but it a little bit of electronics and programming knowledge to get up and running. When using the provided tools by ST for configuration a Windows OS is needed at the time of writing.
MCSDK, Motor Profiler, STM32CubeIDE
The core of the system is an STM32F411RE microcontroller which computes all processes required for the flight controller, which includes sensor fusion.
All volatile parameters on the user side can be controlled from a single file. When a new model is trained the current config is used for training and is saved in the SQLite database models/config.db.
The program quadtest.py can be used to create matplotlib-plots of position, velocity and attitude trajectories from simulation:
python3 quadtest.py
Quadlive provides two functionalities.
python3 quadlive.py
To train the a quadcopter flight controller on the current configuration run python3 quadtrain.py
To sample joystick values and send them to the main flight computer run python3 joystick.py