# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
npm run dev
# build electron application for production
npm run build
# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
npm run lint
- Start development server In the Server Port field, you can type a Port not occupied, then choose a language. Finally open the Server by clicking the circle on the bottom left. If the Server was initiated successfully, the circle on the top right will be change.
- Change your image An Image URL field will be displayed by double clicking the image, then type a image's URL and double click the image again to show the new image.
- Create key-value pairs In the factory of creator, the name of key-value pairs can be edited in the Name field. If you want to add a key-value pair, type a key in the Key field and click + button. A new key will be added to the key-value pairs, what to do next is choosing a value, including primary and advanced types. Then, click the save button on the botton left to save the key-value pair. Finally, when you complete each key-value pair, click the check button on the top right to save the whole key-value pairs.
- Inspect key-value pairs In the dStore of creator, all the key-value pairs are shown in the data list. User can edit each key-value paris by clicking their name button and delete one by the red close button on the right.
- Get the data
http://localhost:{{port your type in the first step, e.g 9090}}/?name={{the name of key-value pairs you want}}