Compute the error between a targeted luminious intensity and the one measured.
It subscribes to the colorSensorValue of the color sensor node. These values are used to determine two things:
- The color. If it corresponds to a known color (blue or orange), the color will be published as a String on the Color topic.
- The luminious intensity. If the color measured is unknown, the average between the three measured values (R,G,B) will be computed to get the luminious inntensity. This value will be compared to the targeted value and the error will be send to the Error topic.
([std_msgs/Int16MultiArray]) Array of the values (R,G,B) measured by the color sensor.
([std_msgs/String]) Publishes the detected color if it is known./Error
([std_msgs/Float32]) Publishes the computed error.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws
roslaunch calcul_erreur calcul_erreur.launch