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SuperAuth AuthSettings.yml

TheProgramSrc edited this page Sep 21, 2020 · 1 revision

AuthSettings.yml File Example

AuthEnabled: true
AuthMethod: DIALOG
HashingMethod: SHA-512
PinLength: 6
  Register: register
  Login: login
  Auth: auth
  MaxTime: 30
    Enabled: true
    Chance: 0.9
    Length: 5
  - msg:&aHello! Please register yourself
  - msg:&aHello Again! Please authenticate yourself
  - "msg:&aGreat! Now you can play"
  - "cmd:kit nooby"
  - "server:rules"
  - "msg:&aGreat! Now you can play"
  - "cmd:kit nooby"
  - "server:lobby"
  - "wait:10"
  - "msg:&7If you need support or help join our &9Discord&7!"
- register
- login
    Login: '&bLogged In!'
    Register: '&bRegistered In!'
    Login: '&7Now you can play!'
    Register: '&7Thank you for choosing us!'
    Login: 10;60;10
    Register: 10;60;10


  • AuthEnabled: If it's true the plugin will request the login/register actions every time that a player joins to the server
  • AuthMethod: This is the method of Auth for the players, it can be DIALOG, COMMANDS, or GUI
  • HashingMethod: This is the method to encrypt the passwords. It can be SHA-512 (RECOMMENDED), SHA-384, SHA-256, SHA-1, MD5, or MD2
  • PinLength: This setting is applied only when the AuthMethod is GUI, is the max length of a PIN
  • Commands: This is the Commands Section, where you can edit the commands
  • Commands.Register: This is the register command, usually is register
  • Commands.Login: This is the login command, usually is login
  • Commands.Auth: This is the auth command, this can be used only if the AuthMethod is GUI, and the plugin didn't opened the Auth GUI
  • AntiBots: This section allows you to customize the AntiBot Settings
  • AntiBots.MaxTime: This is the max time that a user can be in the Auth Server without being logged in or registered
  • AntiBots.Captcha: This Section allows you to manage the AfterAuth Captcha
  • AntiBots.Captcha.Enabled: If the captcha is enabled, a little challenge will be showed after being logged in or registered.
  • AntiBots.Captcha.Chance: This is the chance to being showed the captcha. The percentage can be calculated by multiplying the number by 10, for example 0.5 * 10 = 50%
  • AntiBots.Captcha.Length: This is the length of the Captcha text. If it's longer it's recommended to increase the AntiBots.MaxTime
  • Before: This section contains the actions before the auth
  • Before.Register: This list contains all the actions executed before the registering
  • Before.Login: This list contains all the actions executed before Logging In
  • After: This section contains the actions after the auth
  • After.Register: This list contains all the actions executed after the registering
  • After.Login: This list contains all the actions executed after Logging In
  • WhitelistedCommands: This list contains all the whitelisted commands during the register or login with the Auth Method COMMANDS
  • Title: This section contains all the settings for the Titles
  • Title.After: This section contains all the settings for the Titles After the Auth
  • Title.After.Login: This section contains all the settings for the Titles After Logging In
  • Title.After.Register: This section contains all the settings for the Titles After Registering
  • Subtitle: This section contains all the settings for the Subtitles
  • Subtitle.After: This section contains all the settings for the Subtitles After the Auth
  • Subtitle.After.Login: This section contains all the settings for the Subtitles After Logging In
  • Subtitle.After.Register: This section contains all the settings for the Subtitles After Registering
  • Title-Time: This section contains all the settings to customize the Title and Subtitle Timings. The format is IN;STAY;OUT
  • Title-Time.After: This section contains all the settings to customize the Title and Subtitle Timings After the Auth
  • Title-Time.After.Login: This section contains all the settings to customize the Title and Subtitle Timings After Logging In
  • Title-Time.After.Register: This section contains all the settings to customize the Title and Subtitle Timings After Registering
  • BlockedActions: This List contains all the blocked actions during the Auth. The actions can be: BLOCK_BREAK (Breaking Blocks), BLOCK_PLACE (Placing Blocks), CHAT (Send chat messages), MOVEMENT (The movement of the player), INTERACTION (Interaction with blocks, items and other players), CUSTOM_INVENTORY (Opening Custom Inventories)

Before & After Auth Actions (PlaceholderAPI Supported)

Here you have a list with the actions:

  • msg: - Send a message
  • console: - Execute a console command
  • cmd: - Execute a command as the player
  • server: - Send the player to another Server (Require BungeeCord and BungeeCord Setup)
  • wait: - Wait the specified amount in seconds before executing another action