Hi, I'm Henrik!
I'm currently pursuing my degree in Digital Innovation & Business at FH Aachen and am a passionate app developer. Beyond my studies, I volunteer with the Aachener Entrepreneurship Team, an organization facilitating an easy entry into the Aachen startup scene for young individuals.
My expertise spans app development, project planning, and entrepreneurship. As a time management enthusiast, I'm continually enhancing my skills and enjoy sharing my knowledge in this area.
Let's connect if you're interested in app development, entrepreneurship, time management, or just want to have a chat!
LostNameEU, a non-profit Minecraft-NetworkHamibot, the next-generation bot systemTD-Bot, a simple discord botSchoolplanner App, an intelligent schoolplanner to connect students!Pius-App-for-Android, the School-App of Bischöfliches Pius-Gymnasium AachennotAbot, an all-in-one cross-platform bot system- Pius App, the all new Pius App 🚀
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