Original Name: Using-X-Series
The idea of using the new name is that, I am trying to combine all the course during the statistsics's bacholar period, not only using python
, R
, in fact this programming language are all important
Also, Happy 2020, I will try to finish this project before the end of 2020! (not finished, and continue in 2021)
What's more, I have removed the topic Data Mining
, I thought there are multiple name in this area, "Data Mining", "Data Analysis", "Machine Learning", "Statistical Learning". Overall, there are very similar with tiny differences. In the new version, I would like to use "Statistical Learning" instead of other name.
In this series, I will try to teach the basic knowledge in Calculus, Linear Algebra, Advanced statistics and etc., which are required courses in UIC.
*In these articles, most of the time, I will use numpy
, sumpy
and matplotlib
. We can use numpy
and scipy
to deal with the high dimensional array or the matrix operation easily. With matplotlib
, we can visualize the data and this is more intuitionistic. *
- What is Function
- Composition
- Euler's Formula
- Limits
- Derivative
- Newton's Method
- Optimization
- Integration and Differentiation
- Ordinary Differential Equations,ODE)
- Chapter Zero multiplication in LA and the lib we use
- Chapter One Matrix
- Chapter Two Determinant
- Chapter Three Vector
- Chapter Four Vector Space
- Chapter Five Linear Algebra Advanced Text
- Chapter One Probability
- Random Experiment and Sample Space
- Law of Total Probability and Bayes Formula
- Random Variable
- Discrete Distribution and Python Code
- Contiuous Distribution and Python Code
- Chapter Two Statistics
- Chapter Zero Review
- Omission
- Chapter One Introduction
- Conditional Probability
- Conjoint Probability
- Bayes's Theorem
(in this semester, we has finished Bayesian Analysis course, but the course is to use
language as auxiliary material. I am now looking for Bayes theorem related python, Think Bayes too simple)
This repo is writen with jupyter notebook*
Who is suitable for this lesson? Those who are interested in both statistics and
统计分布 [Statistical Distribution] Written by Prof.Kai Tai Fang, Prof.Jian Lun Xu
概率论与数理统计 [Probailities and Statistics] Written by Prof Xi Ru Chen
Timothy Wu put forward a amendments: `
- Higher order function应为 composite function复合函数;
- Big O 那段写的不是很清楚,其实Big O主要是表示算法的计算复杂度,微积分里面用的不多;
- 切线前面可以介绍割线,再用极限的概念引入切线;
- 可加入包括原函数、一阶导和二阶导(或更高阶导)图像的图;
- 常微分方程是比不定积分更“高级”的概念,最好使用微积分基本定理引入不定积分;
- 可以加入曲线下(间)面积、黎曼和和定积分的关系;
- 可以加入求旋转体的体积作为积分的应用
中文版文檔請看: README_CN
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