This package includes a JSON schema for Infinityswap's token lists, and TypeScript utilities for working with these token lists.
The JSON schema represents the technical specification for a token list that are supported on the Infinityswap platform. Current token standard supported are IS20, ICP.... Any addition of a token to this list gets validated against the JSON schema in the CI.
JSON Schema $id The JSON schema ID is
import { TokenList } from '@infinityswap/token-list'
function usage() {
// get currently listed tokens
// takes an optional parameter env ie ("testnet" | "prod")
const list = await TokenList.create("testnet")
// select TNK1 from the list
const tkn1 = list.find(token => token.symbol === 'TKN1');
// access TKN1 metadata;;
// ...etc
// Load TKN1 canister specific info
await tkn1.getCanisterInfo();
// access info such as wasm hash, canister controllers