A JavaScript based Discord bot developed and maintained by the owner TÆMBØ#5512 and the main dev who does most of the work, annihilator#6516. Requires Node.js v15 or newer.
To set up the bot, first create tokens.js in the main folder and inside it put { "token":"", "modmailBotToken": "" } filling the quotes with appropriate bot tokens. For setting up databases, create the appropriate files (all in the main folder) with the correct text inside them to make them function correctly. ttt.json - "[]" memes.json - "{}" specs.json - "{}" userlevels.json - "{}" dmforwardblacklist.json - "[]" mutes.json - "{}" dailyMsgs.json - "{}" channelRestrictions.json - "{}" punishments.json - "[]"
And lastly, go into config.json and change up all of the channel IDs, role IDs, server IDs, and any user IDs.