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Modern ReactJS component that provides functionality of Algolia Places.

This component is different from other available in npm because it doesn't use Algolia's "places.js" package but rather use "algoliasearch" core package allowing you to use its power with your component's UI.


NOTE: "react" and "algoliasearch" aren't bundled within this package, so you have to install them separately.

yarn add react algoliasearch
yarn add @syndicode/react-algolia-places


  onSelect={objectID => {
  {({ clear, error, loading, options, getInputProps, getOptionProps }) => (
      <input {...getInputProps()} />
        {options &&
 => {
            // NOTE: you have to pass the option down to the getOptionProps() method
            return <li {...getOptionProps(option)} key={option.objectID}>{}</li>;

Component's props

apiKey: String
appId: String # Your algolia's app apiKey and appId
defaultValue: String # Pass down objectID to prefetch result and fill in the input
onSelect(objectID: String, option: Option): String #
searchParams: searchParams
render | children - render prop
formatInputValue(hit: Hit): String - redefine default transformer for the inputs value on option select
hitTransformer(hit: Hit): Option - redefine default transformer for formatted option

Render props parameters

clear() - change selected value to `null`, reset all search results
error: Object -
getInputProps() - method that creates props object to pass onto input element
getOptionProps(option: Option) - method that creates props object to pass onto option component
loading: Boolean - whether search request is in progress
options: [Option] - list of formatted algolia places search results


type Option {
  administrative: String
  city: String
  country: String
  county: String
  formatted: String # City, Country, Administrative, County
  objectID: String # id of the selected object

See algolia docs for more info