Syncplay 1.7.0 Beta 1
Headline additions:
- Add room permanence option to server (#434 by Assistant with additional work in #487 by Et0h and #492 by odrling)
- Add Windows dark mode (#483 by Et0h)
- Add French translation (#455 by sosie-js) and Chinese translation (#500 by lryanner)
- Add playlist-related commands (#472 by Et0h and #518 and rtix):
** /qa [file/url] - add file or url to bottom of playlist
** /qas [file/url] - add file or url to bottom of playlist and select it
** /ql - show the current playlist
** /qs [index] - select given entry in the playlist
** /qn - select next entry in the playlist
** /qd [index] - delete the given entry from the playlist
Tweaks and bug fixes:
- If LANG parameter is set in setup, don't show language dialog (PR #460 by atagulalan)
- Trusted Domains: Allow trusting a domain regardless of HTTP basic auth credentials (PR #437 by Tremolo4)
- Allow playlists to be played from network (PR #419 by zeroeightysix)
- Fix room name case sensitivity UI issue (PR #403 by Et0h)
- Remove redundant help button from dialogs (PR #403 by Et0h)
- macOS build: upgrade to Python 3.9 and PySide2 5.15.2 (by albertosottile)
- Remove Encoding from .desktop files as it's depreciated now and add Keywords entry to .desktop files. (by daniel-123)
- Console: Document setting offset in help (PR #453 by luke-jr)
- Add deprecation notice for offset help (#435 by Et0h)
- Add Windows Store path support (#494 by Et0h)
- Update PT-BR translation (#497 by nipkownix)
- Fixed server argument max-username-length not working (#506 by powerjungle)
- Fix disconnected monitor bug (#505 by Et0h fixing #504 raised by Zefferis)
- Print timestamp when pausing (#521 by Kansattica)