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calls and enquiries: unusual.computers(at)gmail.com
A mood lamp to celebrate love.
Rock-i is a computer made of a rock, concrete and love.
Space window is like a picture that shows faraway places. It will stream videos from the internet or play your own ones, show beautiful pictures of space that NASA publishes every day or some you chose yourself, play radio and podcasts and show time and weather where you are.
Internet of Nothings is a standalone Wi-Fi network to which you can connect from any internet enabled device. It will then accept any non encrypted website address and redirect the browser to nothing.
Windows utilities create twitter friendly videos.
A pi zero based laptop packed inside old comic book covers.
A fully functional kodi machine built into a fully functional flower pot.
A Mopidy plug in to listen to Mixcloud.
A computer program for listening to internet.
A lightweight front end for mopidy, use for listening to internet on your network.