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Merge pull request #248 from Swirrl/fix-multiple-optionals
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Fix multiple optionals
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RickMoynihan authored Apr 27, 2023
2 parents 2913fd9 + d172422 commit 13e96ed
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Showing 2 changed files with 361 additions and 34 deletions.
245 changes: 215 additions & 30 deletions src/grafter/matcha/alpha.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(mapv parse-pattern-row requireds)
(when (seq optionals)
~@(map parse-pattern-row optionals)
~@(when (seq requireds) [[`l/succeed]]))])))))

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(fresh ~(->> bgps find-vars (remove (set pvars)) vec)
~@(parse-patterns conformed))))))))

(s/fdef select
:args (s/or
:ary-1 (s/cat :bgps ::bgps)
:ary-2 (s/cat :project-vars (s/coll-of query-var?) :bgps ::bgps)
:ary-3 (s/cat :project-vars (s/coll-of query-var?) :bgps ::bgps :db any?))
:ret (s/or
:ary-1-and-2 (s/fspec
:args (s/cat :db-or-idx any?)
:ret (s/coll-of any?))
:ary-3 (s/coll-of any?)))

(defn split-optionals
"Returns a map of {:bgps ... :optionals [...]}
Where :bgps value is the input form with `(optional ...)` forms
removed, and :optionals is s vector of optional forms."
(let [optionals (java.util.ArrayList.)
optional? (fn [v]
(and (seq? v)
(symbol? (first v))
(= #'optional (resolve (first v)))))
pruned (walk/postwalk
(fn [form]
(if-not (vector? form)
(reduce (fn [result item]
(if (optional? item)
(.add optionals item)
(conj result item)))
{:bgps pruned
:optionals (into [] optionals)}))

(defn- decompose-optionals
"Returns a map of {:bgps ... :optionals ... :opt-vars ...}.
The :opt-vars is a set of symbols that occur only in `pvars` and
inside `optional` forms. See also: [[split-optionals]]"
[bgps pvars]
(let [{bgps' :bgps optional-forms :optionals
:as m} (split-optionals bgps)
all-opts (set (mapcat find-vars optional-forms))
pvars (set pvars)
mandatory (set/intersection (set (find-vars bgps')) pvars)
opts (set/difference all-opts mandatory)]
(assoc m :opt-vars (set/difference (set/intersection pvars opts) mandatory))))

(defn- unbound? [v] (and (symbol? v) (.startsWith ^String (name v) "_")))

(defn -make-select-solution
"Creates a solution vector according where values in reqs and opts are
in the right position (as specified in select's 'projected values').
- reqs - vector of required values
- opts - vector of optional values
- required-indices - vector of ints
- optional-indices - vector of ints"
[reqs opts required-indices optional-indices]
{:pre [(vector? reqs)
(vector? opts)
(vector? required-indices)
(vector? optional-indices)
(= (count reqs) (count required-indices))
(= (count opts) (count optional-indices))]}
(let [v (transient (vec (repeat (+ (count reqs) (count opts)) :?)))
v (reduce (fn [v i]
(assoc! v (nth required-indices i) (nth reqs i)))
(range (count reqs)))
v (reduce (fn [v i]
(assoc! v (nth optional-indices i) (nth opts i)))
(range (count opts)))]
(persistent! v)))

(defmacro select
"Query a `db-or-idx` with `bgps` patterns.
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`(fn [db-or-idx#]
(select ~project-vars ~bgps db-or-idx#)))
([project-vars bgps db-or-idx]
(solve* 'select &env project-vars bgps db-or-idx)))

(s/fdef select
:args (s/or
:ary-1 (s/cat :bgps ::bgps)
:ary-2 (s/cat :project-vars (s/coll-of query-var?) :bgps ::bgps)
:ary-3 (s/cat :project-vars (s/coll-of query-var?) :bgps ::bgps :db any?))
:ret (s/or
:ary-1-and-2 (s/fspec
:args (s/cat :db-or-idx any?)
:ret (s/coll-of any?))
:ary-3 (s/coll-of any?)))
(let [var->index (->> (map-indexed (fn [i v] [i v]) project-vars)
(reduce (fn [m [i v]] (assoc! m v i)) (transient {}))
{:keys [opt-vars]} (decompose-optionals bgps (set project-vars))
[requireds optionals] [(filterv (complement opt-vars) project-vars)
(filterv opt-vars project-vars)]
optional-indices (mapv var->index optionals)
required-indices (mapv var->index requireds)
solutions-sym (gensym "solutions_")
optionals-syms (mapv #(gensym (str "optional_" % "_")) optionals)
optionals-v-syms (mapv #(gensym (str "optional_v_" % "_")) optionals)]
`(let [~solutions-sym ~(solve* 'select &env project-vars bgps db-or-idx)
~solutions-sym (if (= 1 ~(count project-vars))
(map (fn [s#] [s#]) ~solutions-sym)
;; unpack values from solutions if asked for only 1 value
make-solution# (if (= 1 ~(count project-vars))
(fn [sol# & _args#] (first sol#))
unbounds# (atom 0)
unbound!# (fn [] (let [v# @unbounds#]
(swap! unbounds# inc)
optional-vals-fn# (fn [solutions# indices#]
;; get all values for each ?var (think: column)
(for [index# ~optional-indices]
(let [s# (->> (mapv #(get % index#) solutions#)
(remove ~unbound?))]
;; we can't remove everything,
;; at least 1 unbound needs to be returned
(if (seq s#)
[(symbol (str "_" (unbound!#)))]))))
group-fn# (fn [sol#] ;returns vector or required values only
(mapv (fn [index#] (get sol# index#))
grouped# (group-by group-fn# ~solutions-sym)
;; for each group, extract "columns" of (optional) values
(reduce-kv (fn [m# k# v#]
(assoc m# k#
(optional-vals-fn# v# ~optional-indices)))
;; grouped-by-req: {REQ1 ((v1 v2 v3) (u1 u2 ...)) REQ2 (...)}
~optionals-v-syms (optional-vals-fn# ~solutions-sym ~optional-indices)]
(seq (for [[req-v# ~optionals-v-syms] grouped-by-req#
~@(vec (interleave optionals-syms optionals-v-syms))]
(make-solution# req-v# ~optionals-syms
~required-indices ~optional-indices)))))))

(defmacro select-1
"Query a `db-or-idx` with `bgps` patterns.
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(defn find-vars-in-tree [tree]
(filterv query-var? (tree-seq coll? seq tree)))

(defn unify-solutions [projected-vars solutions]
(defn unify-solutions
"Returns a seq of maps."
[projected-vars solutions]
;; projected-vars :: [?id ?x ...]
;; solutions :: ([v1 v2 _0 ...])
(map (fn [s]
(let [vars (if (= 1 (count projected-vars))
(first projected-vars)
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(walk/postwalk-replace binding-map construct-pattern))

(defn handle-optionals
"Takes a seq of maps (solutions) and removes top level keys
mapped to an unbound value from each map."
[construct-pattern optionals solutions]
;; This way, when merging solution by subject, we don't have to deal with
;; sets of values.
(let [;; these are *potentially* optional keys
;; optionals can have unbound solutions,
;; while non-optionals will have actual values
opt-keys (reduce-kv (fn [s k v]
(if (contains? optionals v)
(conj s k)
(for [solution solutions]
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(if (and (contains? opt-keys k)
(unbound? v))
(dissoc m k)

(defn ^:no-doc quote-query-vars
"Used to help macro expansion. We need to quote only ?query-variables
and leave other symbols unqouted so they pickup their values from
Expand All @@ -349,16 +495,46 @@
(walk/postwalk-replace replacements construct-pattern)))

(def ^:private group-predicates-xf
"Transducer taking in a seq of seqs where the
inner seqs are solutions for the same subject.
(({:id 1 ...} {:id 1 ...} ...) ({:id 2 ...} {:id 2 ..} ...) ...)"
(map (fn [v]
(apply merge-with
(fn [a b]
(set? a)
(conj a b)

(set [a b])))

(def ^:private make-group-predicates-xf
"Returns a transducer taking in a seq of seqs where the inner seqs are
solutions for the same subject.
(({:id 1 ...} {:id 1 ...} ...) ({:id 2 ...} {:id 2 ..} ...) ...)"
(fn [subject-k]

(let [merger-fn (fn [a b]
(set? a) (conj a b)
:else (set [a b])))
remove-subject-k (fn [sol] (dissoc sol subject-k))
part-fn (fn part-fn [part]
(if-not (seq part)
(let [subj (-> part first (get subject-k))
merged (->> part
(map remove-subject-k)
(apply merge-with merger-fn))]
(cond-> merged
subj (assoc subject-k subj)))))]
(map part-fn))))

(def ^:private unsetify-grafter-uri
(map (fn [m]
(let [vs (:grafter.rdf/uri m)
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(def ^:private clean-up-subject-map
"Removes any keys with unbound vars as values and flattens any sets
that have just one value into scalars."
(map (fn [e]
(map (fn cleanup [e]
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(-> m
(symbol? v)
(dissoc k)
(symbol? v)
(dissoc m k)

(and (set? v) (= 1 (count v)))
(assoc k (first v)))))
(and (set? v) (= 1 (count v)))
(assoc m k (first v))

:else m))

(defn group-subjects-for-build [subject-k solutions]
(defn group-subjects-for-build
"- `solutions` - a seq of maps"
[subject-k solutions]
(into []
(make-group-predicates-xf subject-k)
(vals (group-by subject-k solutions))))

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(let [[subject-k subject-var] (if (vector? subject)
[:grafter.rdf/uri subject])
pvars (if (query-var? subject-var)
(cons subject-var (find-vars-in-tree construct-pattern))
(find-vars-in-tree construct-pattern))
pvarvec (vec pvars)]

pvars (distinct
(if (query-var? subject-var)
(cons subject-var (find-vars-in-tree construct-pattern))
(find-vars-in-tree construct-pattern)))
pvarvec (vec pvars)
{bgps-without-optionals :bgps
:keys [opt-vars optionals]} (decompose-optionals bgps pvars)
bgps (into bgps-without-optionals optionals)
quoted-pvars (quote-query-vars pvarvec (merge {subject-k subject-var}
;; pvars :: (?id ?x ?y ) etc
`(->> ~(solve* 'build &env pvars bgps db-or-idx)
;; create a sequence of {?var :value} binding maps for
;; each solution.
(unify-solutions (quote ~pvarvec))
(replace-vars-with-vals ~(quote-query-vars pvarvec (merge {subject-k subject-var}
(replace-vars-with-vals ~quoted-pvars)
(handle-optionals ~quoted-pvars ~(quote-query-vars opt-vars opt-vars))
(group-subjects-for-build ~subject-k)

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