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Multi Vendor Ecommerce API

This project has used Django and Django rest-framewok to implement the features of a E-commerce API. The project is dockerized so installion will be easy.

just open a terminal in the project folder and paste the command below.

sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up

How it was made

The project is seperated into apps which are named after the features written inside them. By using the Django's default preffered app structure, this code has been scaleable, and readable. Inside User app there is file, file and a custom user in the models. This helps new-comers in django understand the basic of authentication in django. The uploaded files are stored in media folder, with well managed file structure being


while using this we can now add a new folder for User profile, without storing all files in oone folder

A thing to Note is that this will run properly only on debug mode, We can either use a workaround or a cloud storage server

API Endpoints

Name Endpoint Fields Methods
User register /api/register/ username, email, password POST
User login /api/login/ username, password POST
Forgot pass /api/forgot-password/ email POST
Auth test /api/isauth/ None GET

for Auth test you need to use the JWT returned after login. put it in a Header AUTH : JWT YOUROWNJWTKEY

Seller Dashboard API Endpoints

Name Endpoint Methods
Product Upload /seller_dashboard/upload/ POST
Product Edit /seller_dashboard/edit/<slug:slug>/ PUT, PATCH
Product Delete /seller_dashboard/delete/<slug:slug>/ DELETE
Make Unavailable /seller_dashboard/make-unavailable/<slug:slug>/ POST
Make Available /seller_dashboard/make-available/<slug:slug>/ POST
Product List /seller_dashboard/list/ GET
Seller Create /seller_dashboard/create/ POST
Seller Update /seller_dashboard/<int:id>/ PUT
Seller Delete /seller_dashboard/<int:id>/delete/ DELETE

All of the above endpoint requires Authentication

Products API Endpoints

Name Endpoint Methods
Available Products /products/available/ GET
User's Available Products /products/user/<str:username>/ GET
Products in Price Range /products/price-range/ GET
Search Products /products/search/ GET
Product by Slug /products/<slug:slug>/ GET
Products in Date Range /products/date-range/ GET

Shopping and Payment API Endpoints

Name Endpoint Methods
Add to Cart /cart/add/ POST
Checkout /checkout/ POST
Payment /payment/ POST

Reviews API Endpoints

Name Endpoint Methods
Create Review /create/ POST
Product Reviews /product/<int:product_id>/reviews/ GET


A ecommerce REST API made in django.






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