Milliseconds | Unit |
31560000 | y, year, years |
2629740 | mo, month, months |
86400 | d, day, days |
3600 | h, hour, hours |
60 | m, minute, minutes |
1 | s, sec, second, seconds |
0.001 | ms, millisecond, milliseconds |
0.000001 | us, microsecond, microseconds |
Tested to work against Internet Explorer 6+, Safari 3+, Google Chrome 1+, Firefox 3+, and Opera 10+!
Development Version (0.0.1) — 1.4 KiB, uncompressed with comments.
Production Version (0.0.1) — 424 bytes, minified and gzipped.
— This may either be a string, or a number. If it's a string with no type, it's assumed to be in theto
format.- Optional
— The format to interval to return, defaults to 'ms'.
length('0.5s') === 500;
length('1h', 's') === 3600;
length(10, 's') === 10;
length('2 days', 'h') === 48;