Welcome to My Mom's New Healthy Diner! This Streamlit app provides an interactive platform to explore breakfast favorites, build custom fruit smoothies, and learn more about different fruits using external APIs. Users can also manage a fruit load list stored in Snowflake.
- Omega 3 & Blueberry Oatmeal 🥣
- Kale, Spinach, Rocket Smoothie 🥗
- Hard-Boiled Free-Range Egg 🐔
- Avocado Toast 🥑🍞
- Select Fruits: Choose from a list of fruits to customize your fruit smoothie.
- Nutritional Information: Get the nutritional details of the selected fruits.
- Fruit Information: Enter a fruit name to fetch detailed information from the Fruityvice API.
- Get Fruit Load List: Retrieve the list of fruits stored in Snowflake.
- Add a Fruit: Add a new fruit to the Snowflake database.
- Python 3.x
- Streamlit
- Pandas
- Requests
- Snowflake Connector
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repo.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd your-repo
- Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run app.py
- Fruit Macros: CSV File
- Fruityvice API: Fruityvice
- Snowflake Database: Managed Snowflake database for storing the fruit load list.
- Streamlit: For creating interactive web apps with Python.
- Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis.
- Requests: For making HTTP requests to external APIs.
- Snowflake Connector: For connecting and interacting with Snowflake databases.
- Sravankumar Galta
- GitHub: Your GitHub Profile