Node.js module that wraps the Amino endpoints in easy to use library
Nop, this is not what you are looking for, but maybe AminoPC it is.
npm i -s aminoclient
yarn add aminoclient
import AminoClient from "aminoclient"; //typescript / ES6 modules
const AminoClient = require("aminoclient").default; //javascript / commonjs
(async () => {
const auth = await AminoClient.login("**USERNAME**", "**PASSWORD**", "**DEVICEID**");
console.log(`Your nickname is : ${auth.account.nickname}`);
const joinedComms = await AminoClient.getJoinedCommunities(0, 5);
console.log(`You are joined to ${joinedComms.communityList.length} communities.`);
for (const community of joinedComms.communityList) {
console.log(`Community ${} contains ${community.membersCount} members.`);
const checkIn = await AminoClient.checkIn(community.ndcId);
if(checkIn["api:statuscode"] !== 0)
console.log("You already checked in in this community today!");
You can explore the rest of the API using this module with TypeScript meanwhile the documentation is WIP.
Take a look at my AminoPC repo where I explain how to get one meanwhile the cool guys at AminoREAPI find a way to generate one from thin air.