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Create your own Adapter 🛠️

Souptik Datta edited this page Oct 11, 2024 · 1 revision

Here comes the cool part fellow developers! 💻

Tip: I have provided a dummy adapter for each service at inc/<service>/adapters/dummy/.

Consider that as the starting point and let's understand what each file does.

  • Let's start with namespace.php. It is the entry point of your adapter.
    • In that you will see a simple bootstrap function.
    • In that function we are hooking into EMAIL_SLUG . '_adapters' and registering our adapter.
    • We pass the following data -
      • slug
      • name
      • adapter class object.
      • options - An array defining the settings required for this adapter, which will be used to automatically display the options on the settings page.
  • Next is class-adapter.php, which is the Adapter class, which we initialized in the above file and passed it to adapter. It contains three simple functions -
    • get_settings_fields - This is the function which returns the array of options, which we used in the above file for options. Each option, will have -
      • The key as the name of the option.
      • And three values -
        • label - Label to display in the settings page beside the input.
        • type - Type of the field.
        • sanitize_callback
    • get_settings - This function returns an associative array, whose keys are the name of the options and the value as the value of the options.
    • get_adapter - This function will just return the core provider class, which is responsible for processing the message.
      • First check if Utopia Messaging already provides the provider or not here, for example Utopia\Messaging\Adapter\Email\Mailgun.
      • If it is present just use it. Easy peasy! ✨
      • But if not, let's code it ourself, because Utopia Messaging makes it so easy to create a new adapter!
  • class-dummy.php is for that purpose, assuming you don't get a provider already present in Utopia Messaging.
    • It's basically a child class of EmailAdapter or SMSAdapter, which abstract a lot of stuff for us!
    • Let me explain two main functions, _construct and process. Rest of the functions and properties are self-explanatory! 😉
      • In the _construct function just put the arguments which you want to accept. That's it! And now they will be available everywhere else as $this->param_name!
      • The process function is the place where you have to write the main logic of calling your providers API to send the message.
        • As said above all the credentials/data you accepted through constructor are available as $this->param_name.
        • Build the body and the headers.
        • And then you can use the $this->request function as demonstrated in the dummy!
        • Create a response using Utopia's Response class.
        • Handle the errors, populate the response, return! Done! 🚀
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