Bash Script for fast backporting a commit to multiple branches and pushing them to upstream automatically.
fast-backporter commit-id branch1 branch2 ... branchn
fast-backporter 36c7cef5e1a90895 rc/sprint-61 rc/sprint-72 rc/sprint-78
Target Branches must have upstream attached or procedure will fail.
The target branches can be stored in an ENV variable using ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc, like:
LIVE_BRANCHES="rc/sprint-61 rc/sprint-72 rc/sprint-81"
And then can be specified to the backporter command:
fast-backporter 36c7cef5e1a90895 $LIVE_BRANCHES
To use the script, clone this repo using:
git clone
And then simply include the PATH in your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_rc
The script aborts whenever it encounters any error like merge-conflict / pull failure / push failure