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#sMAP Introduction

Welcome! sMAP, or the Simple Measurement and Actuation Profile is a specification for a protocol which easily and quickly exposes and publishes time-series data from a wide variety of sensors simply and flexibly.

The sMAP architecture consists of several components which may be used together to capture, transmit, store, and present time-series data:

  • sMAP Sources communicate with existing instrumentation, and collect time-series data using a large variety of underlying protocols. They use the sMAP Library to describe and reliably communicate this data to consumers, as well as provide uniform access to actuators.
  • the sMAP Archiver is a high-performance historian for storing large volumes of stored data. It provides a simple and powerful interface for making use of historical data and real-time data, and addresses locating and cleaning the raw data.
  • Applications make use of historical and/or real-time data in order to achieve a higher-level goal; for instance, providing attractive visualizations, computing optimal control strategies, or providing user feedback. By default, the sMAP project provides powerdb2, a time-series organization and plotting application.

###sMAP Sources

The first, essential piece of sMAP is a library for creating sMAP sources. These sources connect to existing instrumentation and provide tools for exposing the data over http/sMAP. The library and protocol are designed to support various common scenarios:

  • Intermittent connectivity: provide local buffering
  • Local metadata: apply tags at the source
  • Bulk loading and real-time: support both bulk-loads from existing databases and real-time data from streaming or polling sources in the same framework.
  • Actuation (using SSL)

he sMAP Library provides tools for creating and managing these sources. Each source contains one or more drivers, which contains code to communicate with sources of data; common drivers used Modbus, BACnet or HTTP/XML to retrieve new data. Writing drivers is the most common way to extend sMAP code, and the focus of the sMAP source tutorial.

###The Archiver

The archiver is a historian, and provides drivers a place for instruments to send their data. It supports:

  • Efficient storage and retrieval of time-series data
  • Maintenance of metadata using structured key-value pairs
  • Selection of time series using the ArchiverAPI REST API and the Query Language

The archiver is a service which connects to a relational database (postgres) and time series database (readingdb) to provide storage of data.


Most systems provide some amount of dashboarding and plotting. Out of the box, the powerdb2 project provides plotting and organization of time-series data. Due to the decoupled nature of sMAP, this front-end can be run by anyone without installing the database. The application is designed to give users a large amount of flexibility to organize, display and plot streams using Query Language to generate tree views of their streams.

A powerdb2 instance serving up large volumes of data is publicly available at For example, you can take a look at:

###Key Concepts

In order to understand sMAP data, it will be helpful to understand two things.

####Collection and Timeseries

At its core, sMAP provides a facility for publishing collections and time series. A time series is a single stream of scalar-valued readings which have some logical association with each other – they are typically produced by an instrument channel. A collection is an unordered set of these timeseries. sMAP allows collections to nest, so the contents of collections is either other collections, or time series.

sMAP organizes data as time series objects contained within collections. Collections provide a mechanism for applying metadata to a set of timeseries.

sMAP specifies schemas for both collections and time series. It additionally specifies how these abstract objects can be exposed over HTTP, and provides a method for callbacks to provide notifications of new data or events. Each timeseries is globally identified by a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID), which is a 128-bit name generated to be unique with high probability. These provide the basis for naming all sMAP data.


Time series are uniquely identified by UUID; however, these identifiers are unpleasant to use in practice. Therefore, sMAP allows additional metadata to be attached as tags: structured key-value pairs. For instance, all time series are required to have a Properties/UnitofMeasure tag containing engineering units for the data in question.

Metadata in sources is applied hierarchically; tags applied to a root resource like / apply to all time series and collection contained in that resource.

Metadata Tags contains a list of suggested suggested metadata tags; the better-tagged your time series are, the easier and more natural it will be to retrieve data.


Most sMAP users will want to use the sMAP source library to implement their sources. This library makes it easy to create and configure data sources which feed into the overall system The sMAP library is implemented using twisted, an asynchronous event system for python. It takes care of serving up sMAP resources over HTTP and managing data being sent to various subscribers. It supports both programmatic creation of sMAP server, creating a server from a configuration file, or a combination. The smap.drivers package contains many drivers which ship with sMAP.

The sMAP archiver is a separate service which can be used in conjunction with sMAP sources. Also written in Python, it uses readingdb as a high-performance time series store which allows it to serve large volumes of data very quickly.