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Transport type generation


This is a tool for type generation with respect to json schema in yaml fromat.


install stack and ghc via ghcup.

sudo apt-get install cmake gcc g++ curl wget
sudo apt-get install python3-dev libgmp3-dev libtinfo-dev 
pip install jsonschema

How to genereate types

mkdir path/to/generated-api #output directory
stack build # builds code generation tool
stack exec -- config-generation-exe --input "path/to/api/root" --output "path/to/generated-api" --repository_root "path/to/api/repository/root"

Option repository_root is needed if there are absolute paths relative to some directory in json-schema includes. In that case this direcory must be supplied in --reposotory_root argument.

There is an option to overwrite some yaml schemas with particular type. If you want to do so, then specify yaml file after --overwritten_files which contains paths and types. As an example you might take overwritten.yaml file in this repository

If you desire you can add haskell/overwrite_type field to your yaml file and it will be treated as specified in --overwritten_files option.

There are some more options, you can look at them by

stack exec -- config-generation-exe --help

Now there is a cabal project at path/to/generated-api with test and src directories and with cbits

How to run generated tests

Python dependecies

Validation function uses json and jsonschema, so

pip install json jsonschema

The important part is that if there are no such dependecies installed then unsafe_validatete exposed to haskell will just return False every time. WITHOUT any indication that it is a missing dependancy problem, not a validation one.


Three functions are exposed from Python to C through pybind11 and then from C to haskell through ffi.

foreign import ccall "unsafe_validate" unsafe_validate :: CString -> CString -> IO CBool
foreign import ccall "start_python" start_python :: IO ()
foreign import ccall "end_python" end_python :: IO ()
extern "C"{
    //initialize python interpretator
    void start_python(); 
    // validate via jsonschema.validate
    bool unsafe_validate(const char* object, const char* scheme); 
    //shut down python interpretator
    void end_python();

See test/Spec.hs to for an example(it is commented out now).

Building cbits

There is pybind11 in use, so you need to install everything it needs. However there is no need to install pybind11, it will fetch itself locally during cmake ..

cd path/to/generated-api/cbits/c_validate
mkdir cmake-build-debug && cd cmake-build-debug
cmake .. && make
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:absolute/path/to/generated-api/cbits/c_validate/cmake-build-debug

Building generated haskell types and tests


cabal build


cabal v2-test --extra-lib-dirs=absolute/path/to/generated-api/cbits/c_validate/cmake-build-debug

Prepare for a long wait.

How does it work

In this part there will be overview of what is going on when this tool is working. I will try my best to specify all corner cases, bug and weird behaviours. At first let me say that there are some.

The tool starts with parsing of all yamls in specified directory. The first gotcha is also here.

GOTCHA: all yaml files that do not have schema folder in their paths are filtered out. Filteriing is based on absolute path. For details look at function Main.collectFiles

Parsing yaml to Data.Yaml.Object

Parsing is done by libyaml via some conduit machnery for include inlining. During ths phase several things are done:

  • all !include path are inlined
  • as !include path are inlined new field haskell/origin is injected to remeber path where it is inlined from.
  • all maxItems and minItems fields are dropped
  • all additionalProperties fields are dropped
  • all invalid paths are treated as from repository_root
  • adds haskell/overwrite_type fields to w.r.t --overwritten_files option

GOTCHA: If you are getting /path/to/yaml/path/to/yaml/file.yaml is not found that usually means that you misspelled path/to/yaml/file.yaml in the first place. As it was checked before appending path to the repository root.

For more details go here: Data.TransportTypes.Parsing.IncludeInjection

Transforming Data.Yaml.Object to ParserResult

As parsing is done then you got Data.Yaml.Value on your hands and it transforms via Data.Yaml.FromJSON to Data.TransportTypes.Parsing.ParserResult object.

In terms of dependencies yaml files form a forest, but at first I thought that tree will be enough. ParserResult represents a forst with mutual node to connect all the trees. The node is stored in mainType and the forst is in deps. Later this node will be discarded in as it is just an artifact of poor design.

The transformation of Data.Yaml.Value to ParserResult starts in parseJSON and using recoursive function Data.TransportTypes.Parsing.parseDispatch. The core idea is to check at first if object we are dispatching on is included via "haskell/origin" field and at second if we have already met it, thus a state with keymap: ParserState.

Then to conclude the parsing some postprocessing is required. It is performed via Data.TransportTypes.Parsing.postprocessParserResult. Main goal of such postprocessing is to remove common file prefix of all files. It also changes dashes to underscores.

GOTCHA: Dash to underscore transformation is never reverted, so if you had dashes in yamls they are gone forever after this step.

Transforming ParserResult to convinient tree structure

Parsing is done, so it is time for building. Now we have ParserResult on ower hands and essencially it represents a tree. A good thing to do with a tree is to traverse it from the leaves to the root. This is exectly what happening during building phase.

Data.TransportTypes.CodeGen.Hylo.BreakDown is splitting the tree over Data.TransportTypes.ModuleParts.ModuleParts to

  • Data.TransportTypes.CodeGen.Hylo.Structure.NodeF - tree itself
  • Data.TransportTypes.CodeGen.Hylo.Structure.Payload - stored data

Then Data.TransportTypes.CodeGen.Hylo.BuildUp.buildUp is traversing this tree in hylomorphism-like fashion. But I made a design mistake and this tree is actually a forest, so the beauty of hylomorphism is not preserverd. Instead there are a bunch of recursive functions inside Data.TransportTypes.CodeGen.Hylo.BuildUp module to build not only interconnected part of the forest, but the disconnected parts also.

One function to rule them all: The same one which discardes mutual node.

Traversing tree structure

Due to the survived nature of hylomorphism traversing process is separated with building process. As our goal is to convert everything to HsModule's and write them to files it is very convinient, because tests and types themselves are generated differently, but traversing process is them same.

Traversing is organized with the help of Data.TransportTypes.CodeGen.Hylo.BuildUp.Ctx it is scary, but everything inside it has a perpose.

type Ctx a = ReaderT U.ModulePrefix (StateT GeneratorState (Except String)) a

Reader is for remebering the path to our module. As we are starting from the leaves there is no way to know the path we got here. Thus we need a Reader to delay the prefix evaluation until we will reach the root.

State is for remebering includes. There is no need to duplicate modules that including in multiple places. Thus the hashmap to remeber which module we have already met and buit.

Except is needed if something will go wrong.

Making GHC.SourceGen modules

Test generation is done inside Data.TransportTypes.CodeGen.TestGen module.

  • buildSpec function is building module for Spec.hs where all tests are called

  • buildTest function making tests themself and Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary instances

    • toJSON test

    At frist the sample is generated via generic-random and quickcheck-instances. Then it is converted to json and transformed to std::string , and them to python str along with schema which is stored inside test file as string literal. The sample is validated against schema via python jsonschema package. The result is returned as Bool.

    GOTCHA: There are no exceptions transported between python and haskell, so if something goes wrong validateion result is just False with no signal that something went wrong.

    GOTCHA: As there are differences in yaml convention in cheops project and official json schema draft to have meaningfull validation all oneOf's are transformed to anyOfs via string transformation defined in where clause of schema literal in test files.

    • fromJSON test

    Checks that fromJSON . toJSON == (fromJSON . toJSON) . (fromJSON . toJSON)

Module generation is done inside Data.TransportTypes.CodeGen.TypeGen

  • buildTypeDecl builds declaration for the type
  • InstanceGen.FromJson.buildFromJSONInstance builds FromJSON instance
  • InstanceGen.ToJson.buildToJSONInstance builds ToJSON instance
  • InstanceGen.ToJson.buildToSchemaInstance builds ToSchema instance

There are some commentaries inside these files on cases which are not representable by json schema, but representable via Data.TransportTypes.TypeRep.TypeRep data structure.


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