all projects from the udacity intro to programming nanodegree
These are all my project and all the case studies(that I liked or enjoyed)
every project or case study has its readme's explaining the projects.
this nanodegree covers the programming languages or markup langueges:
- html
- css
- python
- javascript
this project was the easiest to make. You had to create an adventure story wich could change based on user input.although this project was not quiet challenging you could always add more features. this project was rather hard to compleate but you did not have as much of freedom of creativity as the the last two were given some starter code to create a pixle art maker.But the final product was really cool this was not a project but you did have to submit it in a lab wich atmaticly sees if it meets the requirments. this project was not mandetory but fun to make this was the intro to programming nanodegree but I had previous expirence with programming in python,javascript,html and css but this programm was great to get my concepts straight.I dont think that you need any programming knowlege to start this nd would definetly recommend.