DevOps/MLOps with a Full Stack background
20+ Years of Professional Development Experience
🔭 I’m currently working at one of the World's Largest Automakers
🌱 I’m currently learning Everything, Everyday - Especially nights and weekends
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on MLOps, Machine Learning, DevSecOps, Automation Workflows
🤝 I’m looking for help with a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)
😍 I'm most passionate about the intersection of Media and Technology, especially things like Generative Film Dubbing
💬 Ask me about my Arcade Machines
The video below was created using 7 different ML models in a custom pipeline on my local RTX 3090 Ti
- Split Audio
- Generate Initial Image
- OpenPose
- Controlnet frames based on initial
- Vocal Swap
- Lip Sync
- Facial Restoration to blend changes