This is a repository for collating the visual analytics applications built by the visualisation team to support the different modelling teams. Each folder is a separate stream of activity in support of different modelling efforts within SCRC.
You can upload your visualisation solutions by creating a folder under this repository. The protoypes can work with any language and on any part of the available data. Please make sure that you choose a short but descriptive name and include a short file to describe the effort. If your code produced visuals, it would be great if you can embed a screenshot in the readme file so that we have a visual collection for those who want to quicky browse through what is being built. You can include build guidelines if relevant.
Below is a template to populate the README file under each folder:
This prototype enables ...
This project uses R/Python/C++ with XXX libraries.
'ZZZ.js' is responsible for ...
For setting up, you need to download XXX and run the following code, e.g.:
Here is a screenshot from XXX protoype doing some YYY analysis: