released this
20 Feb 17:39
1129 commits
to master
since this release
Optimization v3.12.0
Closed issues:
- ReturnCodes from NLopt are not properly converted (#455)
- Nonlinear constraints for NlOpt solvers are not supported (#463)
- Pass options to Evolutionary Solvers (#464)
- Evolutionary.ES() broken? (#467)
- Optmization.ji Optimization.solve is not working (#470)
Merged pull requests:
- Add box constraints column to table (#465) (@DanielVandH)
- Describe details of the objective function (#466) (@baggepinnen)
- Update OptimizationEvolutionary to support constraints and pass additional kwargs (#471) (@Vaibhavdixit02)
- Add integer support for MOI (#472) (@AlCap23)
- Adds nlopt retcode handling (#474) (@ValentinKaisermayer)
- Put the documentation into the standard form (#476) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- update to ArrayInterface v7 (#478) (@ChrisRackauckas)