This is a package used for distribution of data and plotting it.
Run the following to install:
'''python pip install nixz_probability '''
'''python from nixz_probability import Binomialdistributions (or) from nixz_probability import Gaussiandistributions
Use read_data_file(file_name) method to feed data You can directly use the distribution classes after feeding data to the program.
#Use methods to calculate and plot #calculate mean of data object.calculate_mean() calculates mean of the data
#calculate standard deviation object.calculate_stdev(False->if data is population)
#plot histogram of data object.plot_histogram
#generate probability density for given example object.pdf(test_example)
#plot histogram for proability density function along same range object.plot_histogram_pdf(number_of_spaces)
#add 2 Binomial or Gaussian distributions distribution1 + distribution2
#represent a distribution distribution1