Creating a simple Python chatbot using natural language processing and deep learning.
- getting the right data - we are storing the questions answers in an JSON format in a file - intents.json
- cleaning, lematizing and everthing that is necesaary for the initial setup and saving 2 pickle files as - words.pkl and classes.pkl
- and creating Bag of Words
- Create model - 3 layers. First layer 128 neurons, second layer 64 neurons and 3rd output layer contains number of neurons
- and in the we are creating a flask backend - restful api to connect with my android app
- it gives a json object as a response
- ANDROID - a simple android app ui with the networking - volley libarary to send a get request and gets a string response
- It displays the result in a ui
Ankit - ETE - AEC - contribution - "Helped in fixing a bug while I was trying to deploy it on Heroku"