This tool allows to define a verifiable credentials (VC) policy using controlled natural langauge. The administrator of a service provider can send the resultant policy to the wallet of the user who will then colllect the required VCs from the issuers and send them back to the service provider.
- Requirements:
- Python 3 pip venv
- Installation:
- clone the repository in a new folder
- go to the folder "Verifiable-Credentials-Policy"
- create a virtual environment with the command "python -m venv env"
- Activate the virtual environment with the command "source ./env/bin/activate"
- Install all dependencies with the command "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- Provide the FLASK_NAME environment variable with the command "export FLASK_APP=module"
- Provide the FLASK_ENV environement variable with the command "export FLASK_ENV=development"
- Start the web server with the command "flask run"
- I18N:
- To add another language use the following command with the appropriate language code:
- $ pybabel init -i messages.pot -d app/translations -l "language_code"
- To extract new messages from the source code, use the following command:
- $ pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -k _l -o messages.pot .
- To update all specific language file with new messages, use the following command:
- $ pybabel update -i messages.pot -d module/translations
- To compile new translations, use the following command:
- $ pybabel compile -f -d module/translations
- Create an executable version:
- go to the folder "module"
- create the executable with the command "pyinstaller -w -F main.spec"