This repo contains both the Selenium WebDriver test scripts used for argos-saleslogix mobile.
- Selenium Grid Setup with nodes for desired browsers
- Java JDK1.7
- IntelliJ Community Edition or maven if using command line
Clone this repo to a local folder on your test machine. Example: $ git clone git://
For the WebDriver Java Project:
- Open argos-saleslogix-selenium in IntelliJ Community edition IDE
- Add your JDK path to the project's Platform Settings SDKs section
Running the tests:
- Configure to your setup (selenium grid, mobile URL, etc)
- You can override by passing the key/value pairs into maven test as system properties:
mvn -Dbrowser=firefox test
- You can target specific tests this way as well:
mvn -Dbrowser=internetExplorer -Dtest=TicketViewsTest test
- You can override by passing the key/value pairs into maven test as system properties:
Browsers strings accepted (must have a node connected to the grid or indivdually running as a standalone hub):
- Requires ChromeDriverfirefox
- Requires InternetExplorerDriverandroid
- Requires Selendroidipad
- Requries ios-driveriphone
- Requires ios-driverphantomjs
- Requires PhantomJS