a module for gesture recognition in vr for godot uses the $p recognizer , modified for 3d
demonstration: https://youtu.be/tnYyMb3XGeg
this module was made with the oculus vr toolkit for godot https://github.com/NeoSpark314/godot_oculus_quest_toolkit
and the gesture recognition algorithm used is the $p algorithm modified for 3d the vr_player scene, contains the p_recog_tracked object, this is the object which is tracked through 3d space
in idle state press the index trigger to start tracking and enter recognize mode any movement is tracked and once the index trigger is released tracking stops and puts the user back into idle state and the system attempts to recongnise the movement
there are no pre made templates the add button , puts the user in add mode the next tracked movement will be made into a template
the cancel button allows the user to exit add mode
the delete button deletes all templates
in the the source code, there are two nodes , p_recog_tracked object dev and p_recog_tracked object game dev allows for adding and subtracting templates and storing them into a file for further use game only allows you to load prexisting templates saved by dev and utilize them