SRB2Kart v1.0.3
NOTE: If you already have v1.0.2, use the patch download. If you're updating from v1.0.0 or v1.0.1, use the full installer and extract it over your game folder.
- Fixed 64-bit builds delaying inputs by up to an entire year, and crashing when you tried to tell it not to do that.
- Item changes:
- Power item frequencies scale with player counts always, instead of only below 8 players. This is to keep driving a sole focus over being spammed out with items.
- In Battle Mode, power item frequencies can now scale with player counts, instead of only Race Mode. This count does not include Karma players, meaning the item frequencies become more hectic as the match reaches the end.
- The number of allowed invincibility items scale with player count. Instead of a static 2 allowed at once, approx. 1/4 of played can be allowed invincibility items at the same time.
- Orbiting item shield (Orbinaut, Jawz) changes:
- Base orbit speed is much lower.
- Orbit speed gets slower with more shields being held at once.
- Orbiting item shields always have at least one spawn directly behind the deployer.
- The hit confirm sound effect now plays on shield collision, instead of only for thrown collision.
- Jawz target reticule changes:
- Added a 5 tic delay on target switching.
- Made Jawz make sure its target is set immediately, when initially thrown.
- Jawz targetting cone is now slightly wider in Race.
- Thrown Orbinaut & Jawz have higher falling speeds.
- Reduced the frequency of Eggman items.
- Offroad changes:
- Weight no longer gives an advantage for off-road leniency -- everyone plays even with a 0.5 second leniency window.
- Speed drops faster in off-road overall.
- Drift sparks can no longer be started in the middle of off-road.
- Map changes:
- Fixed an intangible barrier in Daytona Speedway Zone.
- Blocked off a few gaps between the ring arches in Sonic Speedway Zone.
- Fixed floating grass textures in Hill Top Zone.
- Extended the finish line in Petroleum Refinery Zone.
- Modding changes:
- Added a distinction between "fair add-ons" and "major add-ons". Most notably, standard character WADs & non-replacing maps will no longer trip cheat detection, and can be used in Record Attack! You can even earn medals with most add-on characters.
- Lua: Added a "PlayerCmd" hook. Function format is "function(player [player_t], cmd [ticcmd_t])". This allows modders to change player input as it gets created.
- Lua: Exposed player taunt functions. (K_PlayAttackTaunt, K_PlayBoostTaunt, K_PlayOvertakeSound, K_PlayHitEmSound, K_PlayPowerGloatSound)
- Lua: Exposed drawKartString for HUD hooks.
- Lua: Added HUD disables for "freeplay" and "battlerankingsbumpers".
- Lua: Added splitscreen camera number to camera_t (camera.pnum).
- bonuschars.kart changes:
- Added Dark Chao, by Ezo.
- Overhauled Chao and Miku's sprites.
- Adjusted the color changing on Arle and Aigis.
- Better sound quality for Arle and Aigis' sound clips.
- Increased the strength of wipeout (spinout + bump) slowdown.
- Reduced how much the spinout timer can be added to when wiping out.
- Flashing players can no longer be collided with.
- Lookback camera switch is now instanteous.
- Added the "ingamecap" console variable. Sets a cap on non-spectating players.
- The thin font is now used for text on the intermission and TAB rankings when a server reaches 9+ players, rather than shortening names to 5 characters.
- Allowed more characters to be typed in the "Specify IPv4 Address" option on the Multiplayer menu.
- Exposed the "serversort" console variable.
- Disabled the respawn command when mid-air.
- Fixed players being able to timeout from a server during a transition fade.
- Fixed a crash that could happen from a player colliding with an Eggman item as it gets dropped.
- Changed default cpusleep to 1. (You can set it to 0 again if you really want the game to use up an entire CPU core. :V)