This artifact is for paper:
Jiwei Yan, Shixin Zhang, Yepang Liu, Xi Deng, Jun Yan, Jian Zhang. A Comprehensive Evaluation of Android ICC Resolution Techniques, ASE 2022.
The contributions of this paper are threefold:
We construct multiple-type benchmark suites for ICC resolution, which contain both hand-made apps designed with specific characteristics and real-world apps with complex ICC implementation, and propose a dynamic ICC extraction approach to obtain characteristic-labeled oracles for representative apps.
We propose a unified ICC resolution comparison framework and design specific metrics for multiple-type benchmark suites.
We carry out in-depth evaluations on six popular and state-of-the-art ICC resolution tools, clarify the strengths and weaknesses of each tool, summarize the root causes that lead to precision loss, and discuss the directions for further improvement.
In the corresponding paper, we made a comprehensive evaluation of Android ICC resolution techniques.
This artifact contains three parts:
- The information about multiple-type benchmark suites, including the hand-made benchmarks, the large-scale real-world benchmarks, and especially the reusable data for our characteristic-labeled ICC benchmark displayed on ICCViewer.
- The scripts and source files to generate the tables and figures used in the paper.
- The evaluation results on the three benchmark suites, including the execution time, the evaluation results of number-based and oracle-based metrics, and the number of FN ICCs with specific tags.
The evaluation results on five handmade benchmarks, which contains 73 apps.
DroidBench: the ICC resolution results of the six tools under evaluation, A3E, IC3, IC3-DIALDroid, Gator, StoryDistiller and ICCBot. For each tool, we give the graphical result of reported ICC in [email protected], and the dot source file [email protected]. For tools, e.g., IC3 and ICCBot, that make extra analysis about the value of intent field, we give the corresponding reports provided by tools.
ICCBench: Same as above.
RAICCBench: Same as above.
StoryDroidBench: Same as above.
ICCBotBench: Same as above.
Statistic on BenchHand.xlsx: statistic information, including the execution time, the evaluation results of number-based and oracle-based metrics, and the number of FN ICCs with specific tags.
The evaluation results on BenchSmall, which contains 31 apps.
Data Set: Information about apps.
Resolution Results: the ICC resolution results of tools, A3E, IC3, IC3-DIALDroid, Gator, StoryDistiller and ICCBot.
DroidBench: the ICC resolution results of the six tools under evaluation, A3E, IC3, IC3-DIALDroid, Gator, StoryDistiller and ICCBot. For each tool, we give the graphical result of reported ICC in [email protected], and the dot source file [email protected]. For tools, e.g., IC3 and ICCBot, that make extra analysis about the value of intent field, we give the corresponding reports provided by tools.
ICCBench: Same as above.
RAICCBench: Same as above.
StoryDroidBench: Same as above.
ICCBotBench: Same as above.
Statistic on BenchSmall.xlsx: statistic information, including the app information, execution time, the evaluation results of number-based, graph-based and oracle-based metrics, the number of FN ICCs with specific tags, and the pairwise comparison results.
The evaluation results on 2000 apps from f-droid, and 2000 ones from google play are given.
Data Set: Information about apps.
Resolution Results: the ICC resolution results of tools, A3E, IC3, IC3-DIALDroid, Gator, StoryDistiller and ICCBot.
- Fdroid: graphCount.txt - statistic result using graph metrics; numberCount.txt- statistic result using numbermetrics; oracleCount.txt- statistic result using oracle metrics; pairwiseCount.txt - *pairwise comparison between any two tools; tagResult.txt - number of tags relates to the FN ICCs of each tool.
- Google Play: Same as above.
Statistic on BenchLarge.xlsx: statistic information, including the execution time, the evaluation results of number-based and graph-based metrics.
The drawing-related source files, which generate all the figures in the paper.
- This is the source file of all the pairwise graph.
source file of figures. This is the source file of all the tables and figures, except the pairwise graph, used in the paper, which is a pzfx format project and can be opened with GraphPad Prism.
Count the number of tags and ICCs relates to each pattern.
- FN-ICC-tag-count: Number of tags on common FN ICCs.
- 158-FN-tags-count.json
- Common FN ICCs and Patterns.xlsx, including the number of ICCs missed in common, tags and patten analysis results of the ICCs missed in common.
- All-ICC-tag-count: Number of tags on all ICCs.
- All-ICC-tag-count.json.
- other files: ICCs relates to each pattern.
- number-patternName.json
The ICCs in our oracle set and their corresponding tags, including the label information of 1,680 ICCs and the README file of ICCViewer.
ICCViewer: Labels for the five benchmarks in BenchHand, and the 31 apps in BenchSmall, and other files.
README: The README file of ICCViewer.
Main UI of ICCViewer.
- The labeled ICC characteristics in ICCViewer.