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This library aims to provide an integration for the Piano Analytics product into Angular applications.


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This library aims to provide an integration for the Piano Analytics product into Angular applications.


This library is only compatible with the Angular 16.x.x version and above, make sure to update your project with the following Angular guide

Angular version compatibility

Angular version NgxPiano version
Angular >= 16 1.x.x


  • Run npm install @sncf/ngx-piano
  • Import ngx-piano-module into your target module
  • In forRoute static method of NgxPianoModule define the siteId and the collectDomain
import {
} from 'ngx-piano';

  imports: [
      site: "123456", // replace with your id
      collectDomain: "" // replace with your collect domain
export class AppModule {
  • The installation is finished !


Tracking page view

By importing NgxPianoModule, the different routes are automatically tracked. When NgxPianoModule is bootstrapping, we subscribe to RouteEvent of type NavigationEnd. This event is triggered when a navigation ends successfully.

Adding info to the page view

Using route data

You can add info to the page view by using the data property of the route.
💡By defining ngxPianoRouteData as a property of the route data, it is not anymore the URL that is sent as page title but the value of the property page of the ngxPianoRouteData object.

import { NgxPianoRouteMetaData } from "ngx-piano";

const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'reservation',
    component: 'ReservationComponent',
    data: {
      piano: {
        ngxPianoRouteData: {
          page: 'Reservation',
          page_chapter1: 'Home',
          page_chapter2: 'Train'
        } as NgxPianoRouteMetaData // IMPORTANT to have completion and to respect NgxPianoRouteData attributes

Tracking events

What is an event?

Click event

A directive exists for catching click's event named ngxPianoTrackClick. You can track click events directly from the template

<button ngxPianoTrackClick ngxPianoClickName="Login" ngxPianoActionType="ACTION">
  Your button text

ngxPianoActionType is an input of the directive of type NgxPianoActionType which is a union type with the different possible values.

Custom events

Two types of events exist:

  • standard which are defined by Piano (page.display, click.action,, ...)
  • custom which are specific events that you have in your Data Model

You can track custom events by using the NgxPianoService and it's sendEvent(...) method.

  • Inject PianoTracker into your component
  • Call the sendEvent(...) method of PianoTracker with the event type you want to track and the event data
import {
} from 'ngx-piano';

    selector: 'your-component',
    template: `
    <input type="text" (blur)="onSearchBlur($event)" />
    styleUrls: ['./your-component.component.scss']
export class YourComponent {
    constructor(private pianoTracker: PianoTracker) {

     * You can track custom events by using the PianoTracker and its trackEvent method
     * @param event - The blur event
    onSearchBlur(event: FocusEvent) {
        const input = as HTMLInputElement;

        const customNgxPianoEventType: NgxPianoEventType = "search.value"; // custom event type, not a standard event type => ⚠️MUST BE DEFINED IN YOUR DATA MODEL⚠️
        this.pianoTracker.sendEvent(customNgxPianoEventType, {
            value: input.value

Tracking some properties

You can add some properties to subsequent events, by using a specific method of PianoTracker service. ⚠️ Custom properties are defined in your Data Model. Refer to it to be able to know which properties you can provide

Imagine you have these properties in your data model:

  • user_logged: string

You can track these properties throw your events you send to your Piano collect domain.


import { PianoTracker } from 'ngx-piano';

  selector: 'your-login-component',
  template: '<button (click)="trackProperties()">Track Properties</button>',
export class YourLoginComponent {
  constructor(private pianoTracker: PianoTracker, private yourAuthenticationService: YourAuthenticationService) {}

  async trackProperties() {
      await this.yourAuthenticationService.login(); 
      const userProperties = {
        user_logged: true,
      this.pianoTracker.setProperty("user_logged", true, {
        persistent: true, // Set a property to next event which will be sent and to all subsequent events


  • Set a property to next event which will be sent

    pianoTracker.setProperty("property_name", "property_value");
  • Set a property to next event which will be sent and to all subsequent events

    pianoTracker.setProperty("property_name", "property_value", { persistent: true });
  • Set a property to next event which will be sent and to all subsequent events of type page.display

    pianoTracker.setProperty("property_name", "property_value", { persistent: true, forEvents: "page.display" });
  • Set a property to next event which will be sent and to all subsequent events of type page.display and click.action

    pianoTracker.setProperty("property_name", "property_value", { persistent: true, forEvents: ["page.display", "click.action"] });


How to handle multi NgxPianoConfiguration in your app module ?

In your app module

const isProduction = true;

const configNonProd: NgxPianoConfiguration = {
  site: "non-prod",
  collectDomain: 'collect-domain'

const configProd: NgxPianoConfiguration = {
  site: "prod",
  collectDomain: 'collect-domain'

const configToUse: NgxPianoConfiguration = isProduction ? configProd : configNonProd;

  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

How to disable tracking in some environment ?

You may want to disable tracker in different environments to avoid tracking some unwanted usage: local, test, etc.

To do so, just set the disabled property of the forRoot method to true:

  imports: [
      disabled: true
export class AppModule { }

How to exclude a route from tracking ?

If you want to exclude a route from tracking, use excludedRoutePatterns option of NgxPianoModule configuration.

Imagine you want to exclude all routes starting with excluded from tracking, you can do it like this:

    imports: [
            site: 'your-site-id',
            collectDomain: 'your-collect-domain',
            excludedRoutePatterns: ['excluded*']
export class AppModule {}

I don't find my event in my dashboard

You sent a custom event, the request was well send, but you don't retrieve your event on your dashboard?

Check if you have these custom event on your Data Model. If not, your event appears in Events section on the tab Excluded Events on your collect explorer site.

What happened if the same property key is defined both with the setProperty(...) and the properties param in an sendEvent(...) method call

The value defined in the setProperty(...) method overrides the value defined in properties param of the sendEvent(...) method

I host my own Piano script, how to provide it to the library ?

If you host your own Piano script, you can provide it to the library by using the pianoScriptUrl option of NgxPianoModule configuration.
By default, the library will use the last version of Piano script hosted by Piano.

    imports: [
            site: 'your-site-id',
            collectDomain: 'your-collect-domain',
            pianoScriptUrl: 'https://your-piano-script-url' // must be valid otherwise you will get an error in the console
export class AppModule {}


See guide here


This library aims to provide an integration for the Piano Analytics product into Angular applications.








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