PHP functions to create PRG patterns (POST-Redirect-GET) to correctly send links to search engines. Compatible with the European accessibility act 2025.
The code is provided to you by SEOLizer.
Clone this repository.
This library based on jQuery.
- - This file
- prg.php - File to handle the post-request and create the redirect-header
- prglib.php - PHP-Library with PRG-functions
- prgs.js - File with javascript- functions to handle the clicks
- example.html - Example with static links
- $url - URL you want to point
- $salt - Secrete String to create a salted hashvalue
- $anker - Anker-Text (can be include html)
- $cssClasses - additional css class
- String with HTML (
<span class="prglink $cssClasses" tabindex="0" onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==13)" data-adr="' . $base64CodedUrl . '" data-hash="' . $hashValue . '">' . $anker . '</span>
- Create a PHP-file
- Include the library prglib.php
- Use the function createPRGTag($url,$salt,$anker,$cssClasses) to create new links. The function returns a PHP-String with html
- Write the html of the link to your html-document
- Include JQuery, prgs.css and prgs.js in your php/html-document